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Journal kesuki's Journal: the paranoia is in check for now 2

i no longer am ranting or raving about hackers. i feel safe journaling again and facebook just doen't cut it for longer journals. open source is inexorablly woven so tightly that it's hard to imagine a world without open source. here is a list of whats wrong with the power draining devices i only power up when in use. the cablebox everything except channel surfing is foobared but tv isn't good for me especially the commercials the time is frozen at 12:00 pm in the guide. i messed up an upgrade to windows 7 by screwing up on the date by one day and got 60 identical emails in the email i use for facebook. end list. i would like living somewhere warm away from snow, but the frigid north is in my blood, a saying meaning i am genetically suited to cold climates. i have a small fortune to spend from my disability back pay and don't know what to spend it on. i am single, with no bills, and have enough power sucking toys and don't have a clue whats been manufactured for sale. i just turned 32 on my november birthday. i might have a possible girlfriend, no i lie, but it seems to me like there have been times where it seems that someone has been doing stuff to try and make me happy a little too zealously. my stand on this is simple i am not exceptionally smart and have made bad and good choices. i have been 'enlightened' so to say. part of that is why i am journaling here again. i find the internet an easier way to communicate, that said i've got a shrink, and my case manager, and a person to play cards with each week. the only thing missing from my life is a signifigant other and i want to be very clear over 30 years old. someone who has met my mother and has her blessings is ideal, i can convert my religion, currently lutheran, if needed. yeah still a mommies boy after all these years. so this is a short roundup of whats going on in my world inside my head. i slipped on the no gaming, but i didn't obsess over the gaming. and yes pandora pandora pandora, i get the hint, i think. maybe not, i don't know who to ask or if there is really anything wrong with pandora, this reality could be but an illusion. sorry i'm not good at mincing words (a saying that means not good at word games) anywho i am feeling very good and am in good health and i am keeping secrets that should stay secrets. slashdot changed a lot since i last posted here.

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the paranoia is in check for now

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