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Journal Timex's Journal: What would be nice... 6 if Slashdot allowed some form of a personal note on our friends/foes page, so we could write a short reminder of why someone made the list.

The reasoning wouldn't have to be visible by everyone, and it probably should not be, since the reason(s) wouldn't be anyone else's business.

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What would be nice...

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  • If I can't remember why they bugged me, I drop them from my Foe list; No point in reminding myself of irritations.

    As for friends, I'll just leave them on there.

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      That's the approach I've generally been taking-- once a year (or so), I clear out any and all that are on the Foes list.

  • ...Slashdot would prolly make it viewable by all. So it would turn into bitching boards where people would go to theirs and bitch other people out ("I foe'd Mr. X cuz he's a nazi", "I foe'd Mr. Y cuz he's a baby eater", wah wah wah, on and on). (Just look at what a bunch of the Left-leaning people, who visit some of the journals we visit, write about in their own journals. We talk about issues and they talk about us.)

    What Slashdot really needs to do is step back a bunch from propagating negativism. Having n

    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      Just look at what a bunch of the Left-leaning people, who visit some of the journals we visit, write about in their own journals. We talk about issues and they talk about us.

      That's the way it goes, sometimes: Some people write about events that affect them, and some (like the Lefties you mention) don't have anything better to do with their time than moan and complain about people that can actually think for themselves.

      But not notifications of downgrading someone. That just causes feelings of ill-will, and serves no good purpose being anything other than private.

      But then you'll take away all that makes being a Liberal fun! I mean, isn't that what the "class" construct is, to pit one person against another in a never ending battle of "I'm better than you!"?

      And get rid of down moderation categories, as they're way more abused than barely what value there is in helping me realize some typical troll post is a troll.

      To that end, I'd be happy if I could provide a list of words I don

      • and some (like the Lefties you mention) don't have anything better to do

        I think it's just what they're more interested in/how they're put together/what makes 'em tick. We like to talk about what ideas we're against and what we're for, and they like to talk about what people they're against and what people they're, um, also against. Leftism in practice is negativity/hate-based, and towards destroying people more than it is ideas.

        But then you'll take away all that makes being a Liberal fun!

        Which is why this s

        • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

          I think it's just what they're more interested in/how they're put together/what makes 'em tick. We like to talk about what ideas we're against and what we're for, and they like to talk about what people they're against and what people they're, um, also against. Leftism in practice is negativity/hate-based, and towards destroying people more than it is ideas.

          I've noticed that, and (quite frankly) they don't impress me. Given the choice of thinking for myself or having the Government think for me, I'll dig my own hole, thanks-- this way, I know I have nobody to blame but myself for my troubles... WAIT! That's IT! The point of having Government make all the decisions is never having to take the blame yourself, even when you cause your own problems! It's always someone else's fault! THAT is (American) Liberal thinking at its very core!

          Which is why this site, knowing who their majority audience is, would never make changes to remove conduits of Liberals' being able to lash out at people.

          I can't tell if you're

You are an insult to my intelligence! I demand that you log off immediately.
