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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: Corporations are people too? 4

Intel seems to think so. I found this headline at the Ars Technica website today: Intel tells EU court antitrust fine violated its *human rights*.

Wherever does such bullsh*t notions of the personhood of a business enterprise come from? Rather than go into great length on this subject myself I recommend you read this link: Why Corporations Are Not People, And The Unsavory Consequences of Pretending That They Are by Mike Hoy. Hoy explains it better than I could.

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Corporations are people too?

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  • Read it [] and weep. []
  • ...organism or an AI will they *own* it too? As your link's author notes this is mainly an issue in American law.

    On another level this BS notion is one of my favorite examples that I have used to advocate for living in a nearly stateless society. To wit: Corporations can only become powerful monopolies and oligopolies when they have governments they can buy off to obtain rent seeking privileges (RIAA, Microsoft) or engage in corrupt practices (Goldman-Sachs, Blackwater) or act as price gouging monopoli

  • Absent a charismatic leader to keep everyone "on point", "libertarian" has become the catch-all for everyone upset with the government from stoners to tax evaders to corporate socialists.

    A true understanding of the economic philosophy libertarianism diverged from would require admitting that limited liability is unwanted.

  • Qzukk: " 'libertarian' has become the catch-all for everyone upset with the government from stoners to tax evaders to corporate socialists." Hah! You've obviously visited one of their conventions. Whatever else you want so say about them you have to admit they are a diverse lot.

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