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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Moral value example: Man Coulter 9

Don't forget to read back in my recent journal entries. Comments may have appeared since your last viewing.

Anyway, the next moral example to be discussed is from Man Coulter. This one comes up because our favorite numbskull, smitty_one_each, doesn't seem to understand the conservative moral value of physical strength.


Tillman was an American original: virtuous, pure and masculine like only an American male can be. The stunningly handsome athlete walked away from a three-year, $3.6 million NFL contract with the Arizona Cardinals to join the U.S. military and fight in Afghanistan, where he was killed in April.

Just so there is no confusion, this is a photo of Pat Tillman, a picture of physical strength. No wonder Man Coulter was getting all wet over him. He's beautiful, is he not?


Ann describes links Tillman twice to the adjective "American." Before she knew that he was a flaming liberal, Tillman to her represented an ideal of manhood, a personification of what it means to be a good American. And the photograph shows almost nothing of Tillman but his physical strength. That aspect of him even overshadows his handsomeness.

Conservatives value physical strength because it directly supports winning a physical struggle.

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Moral value example: Man Coulter

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