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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Fuckkin Morans 3

I CANNOT believe that the California Court today upheld the Proposition 69 outcome which by a simple majority+1 ballot made it illegal for Blacks to marry Whites, and for ANY Mormons at all to get married.

This is ridiculous. If Mormons cannot get married just like everyone else, then we're not really America, are we?

I urge all of you to help overturn Proposition 69. Mormons should be able to get married just like everybody else. And it's nobody's business if a black man wants to marry a white woman.

Goddammit, I jack off 6 hours a day looking at dog-knot porn. If I can see that everyone should be equal before the law, why can't the supposedly "moral" fucking church people?

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Fuckkin Morans

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  • Proposition 69 is not about sexual positions, Proposition 69 is about collecting DNA from a "felon" and from people arrested for "certain crimes" (according to the Wikipedia), like stealing music and videos from the state's entertainment industries by utilizing server technologies like Youtube and bittorent. "California currently maintains the third largest DNA database in the world.". I would guess that Britain is probably number one, followed way down the list by North Korea and Rwanda.

    As for marriage in

  • I did hear about a good protest sign though, via SamTheButcher:

    Jesus had two dads. Why can't I?

UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
