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Journal Timex's Journal: I'm just wondering... 10

  • ...what happened to the Slashdot appearance? Something went wonky in the last couple days, where it's got more of a minimalist appearance. It's dog-ugly, if you ask me... ...not that anyone did.
  • ...why it took Obama so long to decide that the US is "out of money". Is this something that surprised him, in spite of the way Congress has been throwing a couple trillion dollars around so irresponsibly? It's a typical Democratic view, that the solution to any problem is to throw money at it. Got health care woes? Throw money at it. Got problems with illegals entering the country? Throw money at them... The list goes on. Nowhere in their efforts do they call for any real solution.
  • many people reading this realize that they have the life they have today, largely because people before them were willing to fight to the death for their country. Americans have the freedom to speak their mind because people were willing to sacrifice everything to establish a country that fostered that very mindset. American politicians these days seem hell-bent on converting the US into a European-like state, complete with the hypocrisy that it all implies[1].

This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend in the United States. If you know a Veteran who has served in wartime or peacetime, please take the time to thank them for their service. It's the least you can do.

[1] It is Politically Correct to be "accepting" of different people, be they homosexual, heterosexual, anything in between. Almost any religion can be taught in school except Christianity, but if the "priest" is lesbian, that "little fact" will be conveniently hidden from any parents that might care to complain.

I'm NOT saying that it's okay to hurt or mis-treat people because they are different. I AM saying that no particular group should be given favoritism in the name of "fairness" or "political correctness".

In short, the hypocrisy lies in the fact that everyone should be "accepted" except those groups perceived to have been "favored" fifty years ago. Call them on this, and the Politically Correct crowd will quickly resort to name-calling and violence, the very sort of thing they accuse their opposition of doing. Funny, isn't it?

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I'm just wondering...

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  • In part: "He should resign immediately. The dollar is weak enough as it is."

    That made me think of the commonly-held and ridiculous view of virtual equivalency of the POTUS, to CEO's of businesses. That is, people tend to view the prez as the executive manager of the country (even tho in our system it's not supposed to be anything like the power of a chief executive for a business), and give him the credit or blame for pretty much everything that goes on. Well, from this widely-held absurd POV, it seems like

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      It's terribly interesting, the number of people (including, but not limited to, Obama himself[1]) that seem to be completely oblivious to the actual responsibilities of the PotUS...

      • According to the US Constitution, CONGRESS is responsible for managing the nation's purse strings, not the President. That he signs off on the budget is really moot, because like most things, Congress could override a presidential VETO if they really wanted to.
      • People constantly attribute responsibilities to the president when
      • I still think it would have been cheaper (and better off, on the long run) to simply...

        Well, he had the audicity of foolishness and arrogance to actually say in one of the Dem debates that even if it cost the Treasury money, he would still make the rich pay more in taxes and redistribute it, because he thinks it's more fair. So he gave a very visible and shocking indication of his way of thinking and how he would govern, and that's what he's doing -- what is the cheaper approach, or what won't bankrupt Amer

  • Why the "Almost any religion can be taught in school except Christianity,"?

    Nobody cares any more. Look at how many states have approved gay marriage in the last year ... religious opposition has become irrelevant to the political agenda.

    Really, it's over. We've passed the "tipping point", and the decline of ALL religions is just going to continue to accelerate.

    n short, the hypocrisy lies in the fact that everyone should be "accepted" except those groups perceived to have been "favored" fifty years ago.

    No, the hypocrisy lies in religion insisting that ANY religious beliefs be taught in school, without mandating equal access to non-believers to t

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      Regardless of how things are seen (by Government, by you or by Canada in general), there are things in life that still matter.

      YOU may consider Faith irrelevant, but it's still a big part of people's lives, even yours-- but you're completely blind to it.

      Taking a "who cares" approach to life is probably the worst thing you could do. It invites complete anarchy. People DO care about what is important to them.

      Just because you don't care about the same things *I* do doesn't make my concerns any less important,

      • The whole "who cares" ideology may be why Canada has never been a major player on the world's stage.

        You might want to review your history of the two world wars - Canada's contribution far outweighted our population. AND we didn't just sit on the sidelines for years.

        We're also THE major player in the US energy market ... you import almost as much oil from us as from both Saudi Arabia (#2) AND Mexico (#3) combined - and Mexico's exports are due to decline in the mid-term []

        And, as the environment deteri

        • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

          You might want to review your history of the two world wars - Canada's contribution far outweighted our population. AND we didn't just sit on the sidelines for years.

          [Factoids omitted]

          So... You've basically shown that your "Who cares?" mantra is a load of what makes the grass grow green.

          After all, why should *your* faith be treated any different than the guy who believes he's an alien, or the white supremist, or the black supremist, or any other faith that has no proof, validity, or justification beyond its' own claim to be true?

          You mean like Evolution?

          My faith is in God, who has shown time and time again that He is faithful. He does what the Bible says he will do in His time, not yours or mine, and it's always at the right time.

          Your faith is deeply dependent on a faulty Humanity. If you don't think that Humanity is faulty, then you really need to look around you-- everything that has People involved has some

          • Factoids? Your banking system is crap, ours is internationally acknowledged as the best in the world. Only 2 banking failures since 1923. How is that a factoid?

            We're in the top 10 exporting countries in the world, and on a per-capita basis, export more than 3x the US. We're also the 2nd-largest country in the world, after only Russia. We have 8% of the worlds' uranium reserves (#5 on the list), #3 world-wide on wheat exports, hardly a bit player when it comes to feeding the world.

            As for your swipe at e

            • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

              Factoids? Your banking system is crap, ours is internationally acknowledged as the best in the world. Only 2 banking failures since 1923. How is that a factoid?

              Hrm. I see what you're getting at. I was thinking "brief statement of fact", ALMOST (but not quite) the second definition of the word []. Given your habit of preaching the benefits of all things Canadian, I'm inclined to consider the first definition, though you sometimes have some documentation to support your claims.

              As for your swipe at evolution, at least evolution has physical evidence to back it up, and a reasonable explanation.

              So did the hypothesis that the sun revolved around the earth, an idea that has since been proven wrong. What's your point?

              The existence of god has none. BTW, if god created everything, and everything has a creator, who created god?

              If everything started at the Big Bang, where did the initial explosio

              • On the "big bang" - We're now approaching the first fraction of a second of the universe in terms of our understanding. We also have a few theories as to what came before ... we're working on it. That's a lot better than "In the beginning God" ... because it begs the question - "who created god?" whereas our understanding of the current universe doesn't require an outside creator - or even a "creation event."

                As for the sun revolving around the earth - people knew otherwise over 2,000 years ago. They kn

FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
