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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: List of moral values 21

I'll just give the answers away. These are the top moral values for both liberals and conservatives. Most political positions and rhetoric derives from these core values:
winning (top value)
physical strength

community (top value)

Also some will be interested in this:

Profane MuthaFucka
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Karma: Excellent

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List of moral values

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  • Down to "positive" - even when the editors post four of my stories FP - with the offensive Nick, and all.

    • I was going to ask you what your "offensive Nick" is. But I figured maybe you only have one account here (as do I, BTW). I don't think most people (on Slashdot) would think your nick is offensive. As I've stated once in my journal entry, I often tell Moderators to "fuck off" when I post in Front Page stories, and yet I have never gone below Excellent Karma (except for the first two or three weeks that I've been here). BTW I'm trying to mellow out on insulting Moderators. It seems a bit too anti-social, even

  • Also some will be interested in this:

  • I usually just use empathy as the dividing line. Liberals have it (some of them have TOO much of it) and Conservatives generally don't. Tolerance and Cooperation come with empathy: hard to hate where there is understanding. The problem with the fucking liberals is that they're empathetic with EVERYONE, which kinda kills the whole unity thing. Which is fine, as long as there aren't too many conservatives.

    Of course the conservatives are perfectly capable of cooperation, as long as you believe all the same shi

    • Shortly after reading this JE I happened upon a news story by chance (just casually Web surfing), about (Republican) Andrew Thomas, who is a county prosecutor, which was referenced from http://www.badphoenixcops.com/So_What_s_My_Story_.html [badphoenixcops.com].

      I figured it was an interesting read and on-topic, so I thought I'd share it.

    • The problem with the fucking liberals is that they're empathetic with EVERYONE

      Yes and no. The typical "liberal" has been so caricatured as some kind of drooling hippie, that even I get that mental image in my head when I hear or read the word.

      Go find me some of those over-sensitive liberals and scratch a little harder, and I think you might find that underneath it all, it's just fucking people.

      At the end of the day, the biggest sin both "sides" commit is that of laziness, not much more.
      • There's a few of those liberals who are "over sensitive" and I think that's what drives the stereotype. It's a moral failure - not of liberal morality, but in the application.

        Modeling this particular fault in terms of the family metaphor, we find a parent coddling a child when it's obvious that coddling is not the best approach. Or perhaps we find a wife enabling an alcoholic husband by making excuses for him and purchasing his alcohol.

        The fault is a failure to be nurturing towards others in the community.

    • You're not too far off, but one moral value doesn't give you the ability to understand nuances of position and rhetoric. Using more moral values gives you analytical power. You do have the sense that all the moral values are really contingent on a single moral value at the top. That's reasonably true.

      I'll be elaborating on this more in future journal entries.

  • by ces ( 119879 )


    This explains why conservatives are so into kinky sex.

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