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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Laughable logic 10

An example of the kind of shit logic that Jonah Goldberg uses in his stupid book "Liberal Fascism":

1. Nazi is shorthand for National Socialism.
2. Socialism is a left political philosophy.
3. Therefore the Nazis were leftists.

Using this same logic:

1. USSR is shorthand for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
2. Republic (the root of Republican) is right there in the name
3. Therefore the Republican Party is Soviet.

No further refutation of "Liberal Fascism" is required. The entire book is filled with that same logic, impressive only to children.

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Laughable logic

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  • The word publican [] is an old term for a tax collector.

    The word republican has publican right in it.

    Therefore republicans just want to re-collect your taxes and give them back to the wealthy.

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