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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [work] A day in the office 2

Sitting in the lab
Installing Linux again
Hope the changes took

80 hours of work
40 hours to get it done
Something has to give

Pretty woman here
Comes to the lab twice a day
Smells like vanilla

Nervous manager
Gets uptight too easily
Got it all in hand

Big test coming up
Just over 2 weeks away
Will not be ready

Took an in-house class
It was mostly useless fluff
Got a free book, though

Too much time away
Wishing I had more time to
Spend with family

Wearing a new shirt.
I look like a candy cane
I'm getting comments.

Travel coming up
Going to be gone a month
Already depressed.

Kids can't understand
Why I will be gone so long
Have to bring back gifts

Time slipping away
Kids are growing up too fast
And it makes me sad.

A friend from college
Have not seen him in 10 years
Lives 2 miles from here.

Going to have lunch
And catch up with each other
Has it been THAT long???

Kids play basketball
Oldest son made two baskets
And I missed them both

Youngest son made four
And he made a free-throw too
Got to see that game.

Very, very tired.
Wondering why I am here.
Weary in my lab.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[work] A day in the office

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