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Journal Red4man's Journal: Ask Slashdot 6

Do I try and educate him on the finer points of destroying conservatives in debates, or do I continue to mock him in the hope that he improves himself?
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Ask Slashdot

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  • The conservatives don't allow feedback in their journals from anyone they don't like anyways, which of course is why they seldom if ever post anywhere else.
    • The conservatives don't allow feedback in their journals from anyone they don't like anyways, which of course is why they seldom if ever post anywhere else.

      Because if they did, I'd be there, frothing at the mouth and making those idiots look like Rhodes Scholars by comparison.
      • Ah, so cute. My stalker now has taken on a name that parodies my own, and a signature that shows how ignorant they are of economics, politics, and the English language.

The best things in life go on sale sooner or later.
