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Journal RM6f9's Journal: Catching up 5

(Also known as recent history)(boredom potential near maximum)

The Mrs. is doing well, 3 down 3 to go on her latest chemo regimen - every time is an adventure, can't wait to see the shade and curl content when her hair grows back in (approx. 1 month after final treatment)...

I'm gainfully employed at a job I can leave at work when I leave work - it's not glorious, but then, it doesn't have to be, it fills my needs...

My mother's estate is finally winding towards a close sometime in July - it'd be truly ironic if it closed July 5th, as it was 30 years ago July 4th that our family moved into the house she was transported from...

My other projects are growing, in fits and starts mostly too slowly for my impatience, but growing... Bazi, book, gameshow, investments, inventions, website ideas...

My job includes some physical work and the Bazi is working, so the weight loss is continuing on my personal health front...

I've even had some spare time and seen a couple movies recently! "Forbidden Kingdom" was subtle like sledgehammer - worth watching only for the wire-fu choreography; "Iron Man" is the best of the Marvel genre to date! Casting kudos, Downey is perfect as Stark; Sweeney Todd on video, only because those songs still creep in when the family dines out - disturbing...

Our garden will contain a much higher edible percentage than in years prior, and we're looking into getting a bull calf from a local dairy farm - 6 months or so from now, beef will be what's for dinner...

Helping my younger step-son prepare for Army basic training...

And, in my copious *spare* time, reading my friends' /. JEs.

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Catching up

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  • Particularly that your wife is doing well. The chemo is a hard thing. I hope the improvement continues.

    Iron Man was very enjoyable. I agree that it's definitely the best of the Marvel line so far. Downey did a great job as Stark. And Gwyneth Paltrow looks pretty good with red hair. :-) Having seen her with brown hair (in Sliding Doors) and now red, I think that she ought to just drop the whole blond thing entirely. Just my opinion, of course. :-)
  • Things looking up on health for both of you, and work you can leave at work! Congratulations.

    and we're looking into getting a bull calf from a local dairy farm - 6 months or so from now, beef will be what's for dinner

    I'd get a horse instead. You won't feel obliged (and guilty) when you kill it and eat it, you can use it for trips to the corner store to save on energy, it will produce fertilizer for the garden, give you exercise, etc. Heck, you can even use it to plow the field.

  • And good news about your wife, too. We are contemplating a vegetable garden, too, but are still awaiting a final decision. As for the Beef, one of my co-workers raises cattle on the side and then sells them in the fall. If you have a large freezer, and can transport it all from Portland area, it'll come to you butchered to your desires. Shoot me an e-mail if you are interested. (They are raised organically, and only fed crops that he raises himself, too.)
    • by RM6f9 ( 825298 )
      Freezer, yep - dozen coolers for three hour drive? nope.
      If you're gonna plant, better get started...

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