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Journal nizo's Journal: Pentagon dithering costs the lives of troops 4

Just when you think the poor planning and bad management that have characterized the Iraq war couldn't get any worse, a new outrage emerges.

On Monday, USA TODAY reported that the Pentagon has known for years that vehicles called MRAPs could keep U.S. troops safer from most roadside bombs, but until recently it did little to deploy the vehicles to Iraq, even as hundreds of Americans died.

The Pentagon has numerous explanations for this. Planners didn't think the war would last this long. MRAPs are more expensive than armored Humvees. Adding armor to Humvees seemed like a quicker, better solution.

... (snip) ...

The MRAPs that have been deployed to Iraq have been enormously effective. In dangerous Anbar province, Marine explosives-disposal units using MRAPs have suffered more than 300 bomb attacks. Not a single Marine has died in them.

Full article here:

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Pentagon dithering costs the lives of troops

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