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Journal pudge's Journal: Gregoire + Union vs. Teachers 12

The Evergreen Freedom Foundation has a video statement criticizing the Democratic governor of Washington for signing a bill from the Democrat-controlled legislature that allows the Democrat-controlled teacher union to use mandatory non-member union dues to get those same Democratic legislators and governor elected, without permission from the non-members.

Voters in Washington outlawed this practice. The state Supreme Court incredibly said the voter initiative violated the right of the union. The EFF appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the case has been heard, and most people think the SCOTUS will rule against the WA Court. So the Democrats, recognizing they are about to lose some free money for themselves, overturned the voter initiative, thereby nullifying the coming Supreme Court decision. (And they pretended that this was an "emergency" law, that the public's peace, health, or safety was imminently threatened unless this bill was passed, so that it could not be challenged by voters; this blatantly unconstitutional abuse, however, is not a matter for the SCOTUS, being purely a state constitution matter.)

Hopefully, the Supreme Court will hear the next suit the EFF brings, directly challenging the authority of the state to force employees to do this. The comments the judges made during the testimony on the current case was widely seen as not just against the notion that the law banning the practice was unconstitutional, but also seemed to be against the practice itself.

I would also not be surprised to see one or more justice reference this new law in the decision, and perhaps signal their view of it.

See for more information. This is really one of the most blatantly corrupt bills I've ever seen. Literally, one political party is forcing government employees to give money to get that party elected.

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Gregoire + Union vs. Teachers

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  • This is one of the corner cases of the Free Market that I really don't like. Whether it's a contract for a mob hit on some unlucky guy, a manufacturers contract with Microsoft forbidding me from buying a machine with Linux on it from them, or union A contracting with company B to take money from non-As, each of these cases seem to end up being legislated case by case. In the general case, contracts that I'm usually not permitted to see, much less negotiate, should not have a noticable impact on my life.

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      This is one of the corner cases of the Free Market that I really don't like. Whether it's a contract for a mob hit on some unlucky guy, a manufacturers contract with Microsoft forbidding me from buying a machine with Linux on it from them, or union A contracting with company B to take money from non-As, each of these cases seem to end up being legislated case by case. In the general case, contracts that I'm usually not permitted to see, much less negotiate, should not have a noticable impact on my life.

      The teachers have no "contract" that allows them to take non-union member money. I mean, technically, it's in the contract with the state I believe, but there is no rationale in contract law in which that makes sense. The teachers are not slaves, owned by the states, where there rights may be sold to the highest bidder.

      Oh well, if they don't like it, the teachers could always just quit.

      I have a better idea: vote the Democrats out of office.

      Oh, and I found out it gets even better: the real reason for the "emergency" tag on the bill was apparently to try to get the Suprem

      • by Qzukk ( 229616 )
        I mean, technically, it's in the contract with the state I believe

        That just makes B the government. I'd be willing to bet that the school deducts the money from the paycheck automatically due to an agreement between them though. If I worked somewhere like this and they didn't deduct it automatically, I suppose a union could try to bill me, but they'd have to try a bit harder than that to collect.

        which allowed the union to this week file a new brief on the pending case saying that they no longer believe th
        • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

          That just makes B the government.
          Sure. I am just saying, I do not believe the government has this right, any more than I have the right to take money from you without your permission.

          Last I checked, the SCOTUS's current position was that relief in any form cancels the need for a ruling ... I'd say don't get your hopes up, but these days, who knows what will happen?
      • The teachers have no "contract" that allows them to take non-union member money. I mean, technically, it's in the contract with the state I believe, but there is no rationale in contract law in which that makes sense.

        I still can't believe people are going along with the "you're not in the union but still have to pay some dues.." crap. How can that be legal when the choice is do it, or you can't work here? (no choice).

        Supposedly it's "OK" because even the non-union people "benefit from the union's negotiating" or whatever.. yeah, right. Fine, let the non-union people do their own negotiating and/or contracts with the city/county/state/whatever instead. I'll bet the union would fight a change that allowed that tooth a

        • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

          The teachers have no "contract" that allows them to take non-union member money. I mean, technically, it's in the contract with the state I believe, but there is no rationale in contract law in which that makes sense.

          I still can't believe people are going along with the "you're not in the union but still have to pay some dues.." crap. How can that be legal when the choice is do it, or you can't work here? (no choice).

          Even though I disagree with it (and essentially agree with your view), there's some sense of logic to it: the union does a lot of work on behalf of the teachers etc.

          But that's a far cry from forcing those same non-union teachers to associate themselves with political candidates they don't like. Again, literally, the Democrats are forcing public school teachers to contribute money to Democrats if they want to work (unless you are of the mind that the Democrats would be doing this if there was any chance th

  • ... back, back, and GONE!

    LET'S GO TIGERS! *clap* *clap* *clap-clap-clap*
    LET'S GO TIGERS! *clap* *clap* *clap-clap-clap*

    Before telling everyone how great the Red Sox are on Baseball Tonight, John Kruk said his votes for Cy Young and for MVP would be Justin Verlander and Magglio Ordonez...
    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      ... back, back, and GONE!
      YOU CALLED IT!</colbert>

      Before telling everyone how great the Red Sox are on Baseball Tonight, John Kruk said his votes for Cy Young and for MVP would be Justin Verlander and Magglio Ordonez...
      Oh come on. Like anyone cares what Kruk has to say.
      • Oh come on. Like anyone cares what Kruk has to say.

        Hey now, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

        Jim Leyland was asked what the impact of Gary Sheffield has been to the Tigers lineup, Leyland said it was the best thing to happen to Magglio Ordonez.

        I agree with that, with Sheffield getting on base, and threatening to steal bases, it gets Ordonez more fastballs - especially with Guillen hitting behind him.

        Last night was a good game too, until the Tigers broke it open with a 3 run 8th - otherwis
        • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

          Jim Leyland was asked what the impact of Gary Sheffield has been to the Tigers lineup, Leyland said it was the best thing to happen to Magglio Ordonez.
          Yeah. It's no Ortiz-Ramirez -- that's literally the best one-two punch since Ruth-Gehrig -- but it's the same basic idea. Always good to match up two dynamic sluggers.
          • that's literally the best one-two punch since Ruth-Gehrig

            I'm partial to Cash-Kaline, myself. I enjoy pointing out to Yanker fans that Norm Cash and Al Kaline combined for more RBI's than Maris and Mantle did in the Yankers heyday...

            But I agree about the thunder Ortiz and Ramirez bring... them due up with Todd Jones on the hill in a close game concerns me, so when the Tigers went up 5-1 I breathed a sigh of relief, as usually not even Todd Jones blows it that bad...

            • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

              that's literally the best one-two punch since Ruth-Gehrig

              I'm partial to Cash-Kaline, myself. I enjoy pointing out to Yanker fans that Norm Cash and Al Kaline combined for more RBI's than Maris and Mantle did in the Yankers heyday... Oh sure. But when combining average, RBIs, and HRs over multiple seasons, no pair matches Ruth-Gehrig and Ortiz-Ramirez. They have the greatest four-year total of HR second only to R-G and ARod-Griffey; they are fourth all-time in that span in total RBIs; in 2004 they became only the second duo ever to hit .300/100/40 (again, R-G w

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