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Journal WillAffleckUW's Journal: Last night we asked them to investigate Pres/VP 2

So, last night we started the go rounds on a resolution to ask our county and state D groups to ask for a formal investigation into impeachable offenses by the current appointed President and VP. Interesting - didn't know that states can ask for this to be done.

Amusingly, all the heat was over the Seattle School Board - and I asked some of the more difficult questions on that one.

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Last night we asked them to investigate Pres/VP

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  • didn't know that states can ask for this to be done.

    Already gaining traction in a few places: []
    • Well, during the debate we heard that Vermont was one of the places.

      Interestingly, I spoke for the No side, as I said "We should not challenge the God Emperor and the Prince of Lies in their Totalitarian Rule of the country."

      Hey, someone had to speak for the No side ... but the arguments of the Yes side convinced me to vote Yes in the end.

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