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Journal SPAM: Man, I wish I had some money 3

Then I would buy the list and publish it on the 'tubes. Muahaha!

D.C. Madame to Sell 10,000 Phone Records of High-End Washington Clients

Deborah J. Palfrey is unhappy. And, if you know who Deborah J. Palfrey is--and especially if you know her by Jeane--you probably don't want her unhappy. From 1993 until this past summer, Palfrey ran Pamela Martin and Associates, a "high-end adult fantasy firm which offered legal sexual and erotic services across the spectrum of adult sexual behavior," according to a statement she put out today hoping to raise funds for her legal defense.

The way she plans to raise those funds could reverberate through Washington's power corridors. She is considering "selling the entire 46 pounds of detailed and itemized phone records for the 13 year period," reports The Politico's Ryan Grim. In October, the Internal Revenue Service seized her assets; the sale of the records would fund her fight against the seizure.

Palfrey released what she said were a sample of the records, which don't include names, but do feature a number of Washington area exchanges.

Her attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, said that prices have yet to be set for the data. "We don't actually know that yet," he said, "because we haven't finished mining the data to identify the individuals. Obviously if Bill Clinton's on the list that's a different matter than you know, somebody nobody's ever heard of before."

But, he said, chances are good that some interesting names will pop up. "Statistically, if you have 10,000 people, and given the structure of this particular service, these weren't people beckoning from car windows," he said. "The escorts only responded to four and five star hotels or private residences. And so the landlines will show up on the private residences real quickly."

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Man, I wish I had some money

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  • Just wait for the court case, then I think you can do a Freedom of Information Act request to get the names.... cause I think Tommy Lasorda should sue them for defamation of character. Lasorda denies it. [] I'm inclined to believe the guy. Lasorda always seemed like a class act, unlike say.. Steve Garvey.

    Or wait for the papers to get ahold of it. Save your money - patience will get this info for you.
  • But I'd settle for the press nailing (pun intended) down the Gannon overnighters at the White House.

    "Does little Georgie need a topping?"
    • "Does little Georgie need a topping?"

      More like a creamy filling...Then he's gonna order some chinese food. Mmmm, sumyunguy is on the menu. Or maybe he'd prefer cream of chicken.

That does not compute.
