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Christmas Cheer

Journal peacefinder's Journal: Love and charity for an old friend 3

I read something this morning that has made my day. One of the local Portland weekly newspapers, the Portland Mercury, is holding a charity auction. And this year the beneficiary is the organization that taught me how to be a mediator and (indirectly) gave me my slashdot name.

May I please introduce Resolutions Northwest:

You may not have heard of RNW and their successes, because all their cases are kept strictly confidential. But I can share with you their success rate: Over 90 percent of RNW's mediations have been successful in solving the conflicts in question. Plus, 97 percent of clients would recommend the services. Here's another stat that should pique the interest of most taxpayers (even those who don't believe in conflict resolution): Mediation has been shown to be 10 TIMES less expensive and four times better in reducing future crime than the court system.

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Love and charity for an old friend

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  • But organizations that use their public voices for this kind of good get my applause - would that I were employed, I'd go buy something...
  • Depending on what our after-Christmas budget looks like (we're getting better- November was only $1.51 in the hole due to my wife writing a check on the wrong account) I might want to look into this (and by after Christmas- well, we'll be done Christmas shopping sometime this week).
  • I don't know if you've ever heard me rant about the US judiciary/penal system- but it's results that groups like this get that make me wonder why we've kept the system we have in place for so many.

    They got my attention some time ago- and have kept it since.

"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing." -- Robert Orben
