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Journal TopShelf's Journal: Off the grid for the holiday 2

In anticipation of being mostly off the grid over the weekend (heading up to Indiana to stay with the in-laws), I thought I'd post my update today rather than Friday.

On the blog front, an agreement is being drawn up and I hope to see my stuff published on the "big media" site within a couple weeks. It's fun to be part of a real awakening in terms of hockey fans using statistics to a greater degree. Another resource that's making waves is Hockey Recap.

As for weight, things are going pretty well, really, having hit the "20 lbs. lost" milestone. I'm not too worried about the holiday feasting, as I'm really not a Thanksgiving-food type of person. I don't particularly care for turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. Besides, it'll be more of a binge-and-purge type of day watching Joey Harrington and the Miami Dolphins ridicule my beloved Lions before a national audience.

Progress So Far
9/8/06: 209
9/15/06: 204.5
9/22/06: 206
9/29/06: 201
10/6/06: 197
10/13/06: 195
10/20/06: 194
10/27/06: 193
11/3/06: 193
11/10/06: 191
11/17/06: 192
11/22/06: 189

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Off the grid for the holiday

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  • You've officially passed me -- I weighed in at 189.5 this Monday morning. (And darn happy to hit the 180's, finally. Even if just by a fat cell or two.) You are really hauling a**, at 20 pounds in 2.5 months. I lost 10 pounds in a month in my 20's, by abusing myself, eating only cereal, McDonald's chicken salads, and water for a month. Threw my whole metabolism way off, including being cold all the time (which is unheard of for me), and, ahem, other things. I just can't lose weight that quickly safely.

    Are y
    • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
      I haven't really taken any other measurements, other than noticing I can now fit back into my 36-inch waist pants, rather than the 38's I've been wearing. When playing hockey, the difference has been pretty huge. I'm much quicker, and have more gas left in the tank late in the game, which makes the whole thing more fun.

      Plus, I no longer work up a sweat just trying to get my equipment on...

"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
