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Journal nocomment's Journal: IT"S WALLPAPER!!!!11 7

It's called wallpaper, or desktop picture depening on your OS. It is never referred to as 'screensaver'.

What are your (l)user pet peeves?

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  • People that constantly refer to 3.5" floppies as "hard drives".

    The nice thing is that with the reduced usage of these over time I'm not hearing it as much, but that's what irritates me.

    I have fun with them, though: I worked at one job where the Chief Technology Officer (at a different employer than my current) asked me if I had any work over the weekend. I told her that I was going to be backing-up the Internet. "Oh," she said, and left. A while later, my boss came up and asked me what I could have said
    • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
      Speaking of hard drives...

      What gets me going is when people refer to the computer as the hard drive. Then when they are running out of disk space they ask for more memory. But when everything starts running slowly then ask for a new computer. I have actually had a user point to the computer and say it was the hard drive and then point to the monitor and say it was the computer.


      Then when the user asked if I could work on a computer a friend gave them I told them that I charge $40 per hour. I fo
      • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

        What gets me going is when people refer to the computer as the hard drive. Then when they are running out of disk space they ask for more memory. But when everything starts running slowly then ask for a new computer. I have actually had a user point to the computer and say it was the hard drive and then point to the monitor and say it was the computer.

        When I started reading this, I immediately thought of one of my sisters, who will call me (from Maine) for technical advice.

        She is one of these people who thi

        • I fixed the POS at the bar one time. It wouldn't take credit cards or employee access cards. (Cardreader was unplugged from the computer. It had a green power light on it, because it was plugged into the wall.)

          I got free drinks that night. I always got free food, my best friend was the kitchen manager.

          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by Timex ( 11710 ) *

            I fixed the POS at the bar one time. It wouldn't take credit cards or employee access cards.

            In my case, it was simply that the keyboard stopped working. I had her describe the set up to me. She said there was a "long cord from the keyboard plug to the computer". I asked her if the keyboard cable would reach without the extension. She said "Yes," so I told her to unplug it, and plug the keyboard in where the extension was plugged into the computer. It worked like a champ. (Troubleshooting 101: if you d

      • I had user once tell me their computer locked up, when they restarted it, it was still locked up. I went over to her desk and she showed me. She turned the monitor off, then back on again. :-)

  • Is people who refer to the whole box as "the CPU".

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
