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Journal Iamthefallen's Journal: Reading resumes 16

Oh my gawd.

You didn't...

Why would you...?


Is this a normal reaction to reading resumes?

I need to bring up my own old resume and see how it compares.

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Reading resumes

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Or at LEAST just the funny bits. And if you type a 1, I'm kicking you in the junk, because everyone knows 0 is the funniest bit. :-)
      • by Tet ( 2721 )
        Or at LEAST just the funny bits.

        Highlights from some I've been reading this week:

        • Achievements: #1 - captain of the University pool team
        • I see you've asked for Perl, Python, LISP and Erlang in your advert. Honestly, I have no idea what those are.
        • I left my last position because they didn't make use of my 23 years of IT experience (his CV listed 2 years as a first line call centre monkey, and a decade and a half stacking shelves in supermarkets)
        • I am probably not the person you are looking for.
        • Us: Thank
        • That's classic. BTW, we went with the Chinese dude. And by we, I mean they made the decision without asking who those of us actually DOING the interviews thought was the best. *SIGH*
  • YES! You post now! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ellem ( 147712 ) *
    I love a bad resume. Like the Network Admin who put AIM on his resume.
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      i put "aim" on my resume.

      if i can remember the blurb was:

      "and when the client refused to heed my advice, i lined them up against the wall, took my revolver, pointed it at the hapless dopes and yelled: 'ready! aim! fire!!"
    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Com2Kid ( 142006 )
      Depends, if he wrote the protocol.... :)
      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by ellem ( 147712 ) *
        How could that be? It is _I_ who am the God/Emperor of Networking. Certainly I wrote the protocol, socket and invented the port 5190.

        blinder - back me on this.
        • I can back you up for it. I wrote a sample little app that listened to that port, and all of the sudden I got the following data repeated 666 times!

          0x65 0x6C 0x6C 0x65 0x6D 0x20

          weird, huh?
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Nothing prepares you for interviewing like reading the resumes of other people. The dumb things people put on them will make you feel better if nothing else.
  • One of the larger infractions is confusing Lexis, a massive virtual database of just about everything from legal research and newspapers, to where people live and who their neighbors are; with Lexus, a brand of cars which snobs buy to impress other snobs.
    • by rk ( 6314 ) *

      Please, for the love of all that's holy, tell me that lawyers don't really make this error in interviews.

      Q: "What does it mean when an object is serializable?"

      A: "It means I can pour milk over it and eat it for breakfast."

  • As detailed here [].

    If words can't dig you a big enough hole, whip out the video camera.

The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
