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Journal Ethelred Unraed's Journal: Death in the family 24

My uncle was declared dead today.

I phrase it in that rather odd way, because of a number of things. First, it turns out he was actually dead Friday. He went into the hospital with a sore on his foot, which as an elderly diabetic is a bit of a problem, so into the clinic he went. A blood clot got out of the sore and caused him to stop breathing, one noticed, and no one knows how long he wasn't breathing. They revived him and put him on a respirator, so he was technically "alive", but the reality is that he was probably already dead for all intents and purposes.

That was confirmed when they found out today that he had had a cardiac arrest on Friday while he had stopped breathing. (Great hospital, huh?)

So they pulled the respirator today and let him die "for real" this time.

The other reason for the detached way of phrasing it is that I was never terribly close to my uncle to begin with. He generally treated my dad like crap, even at an early age (his nickname for my dad was "Mutt"); he never gave me the time of day during my childhood, until my parents told him that I had become a National Merit Finalist, and suddenly he wanted to get to know on the phone he told me he'd be proud to lend me money. Uhm, thanks, but no thanks.

The next time I spoke to or saw him was two years ago, when we were in Virginia for my brother's wedding. The one and only thing he said to the Confessor was a gruff "hey kid, speak some Kraut!", and that was it. Hah-hah, very funny. He hardly spoke to BoE, either.

Thus I don't really feel any particular loss myself. What I do feel is a pang of regret that I won't make it to the funeral, not because I want to mourn him, but because it's another missed opportunity to see other members of the family that I haven't seen in a long time. In particular I'd like to get to know his two kids better, both successful lawyers in the Atlanta area -- in particular his daughter and I seem to have a lot in common (aside from her having a rather higher income), and we have traded e-mails once in a blue moon, in which she seems quite pleasant. Amusingly, judging from a couple pictures I've seen of her online, she looks a lot like how I imagine Gloriana will look when she's older.

And, of course, I would be missing a chance to see all the Slashdotters in the Hotlanta area.

So the funeral's on Thursday, and I'll miss it (though the rest of my family will be there). A plane ticket would run me €1800 or so, which I ain't got. Oh well. *shrug*

If on the wild chance my relatives see this, my condolences to my cousins (and if y'all want to send prayers or good vibes, send 'em thataway). I wish I could say I share your sorrow, but...well. I feel for you anyway, and I hope your father rests in peace. Be well.

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Death in the family

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  • And, of course, I would be missing a chance to see all the Slashdotters in the Hotlanta area.
    That sucks. I'd like to meet you in so-called real life.

    And I'm sorry that he wasn't a better uncle to you despite the fact that it would increase the greaving. I have a grandfather that I wish were more of a grandfather, even though I know he's not long for this world. I have like 1 good memory of him, and that was really more to do with my cousins and I making fun of this video he used to make us all watch

    • That sucks. I'd like to meet you in so-called real life.

      To kick me in the teeth for all the things I've written, eh? ;-)

      Well, if you can come up with ~€1800, I'd think about it. ;-)

      I have a grandfather that I wish were more of a grandfather, even though I know he's not long for this world.

      Ya, I knew he wasn't doing too well for some time, but felt strangely unperturbed about it, especially considering how closely related we were. There are many other relatives -- or, for that matter, personal

      • Well, if you can come up with ~1800, I'd think about it. ;-)

        How much is that in real money? If your sister is single, tell her you want to introduce her to me and get her to pony up the dough. ;-)

        • How much is that in real money?

          At current Dubya-adjusted exchange rates, it's about $1.2 billion. :-)

          (Actually, it's $2,279.70 as of today.)

          If your sister is single

          Uhm, what sister...? ;-)

          My Harley-riding 275-pound former-bouncer 10-hour-drive-from-Atlanta brother would like to have a word with you, though. ;-)



          • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
            Damn, now I have to compete with TL as well?

            First, I'll fend off your brother by talking about bikes with him.

            So, TL and I have important questions that need answered.
            • So, TL and I have important questions that need answered.

              Questions for me or my brother?

              Hopefully not the latter, because he might tell you all the things about me I don't want ye to know. ;-)



              • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
                Hey, c'mon, you know Joseph needs a good step-mommy. But the thought of Atlanta... TL can have her.
          • Sorry, I meant cousin. The lawyer one. I need a sugar momma.
            • Well, she's in her late 40s, is divorced and has two kids, and is up to her eyeballs in debt from law school, but hey, whatever floats yer boat. ;-)

              OTOH she also speaks French and Russian and is highly intelligent...

              The truly rich one is her brother, but something tells me neither he nor you swings that way. ;-)



          • by Timex ( 11710 ) *
            TechnoLust : If your sister is single

            Ethelred : Uhm, what sister...? ;-)

            Uhhh... I think he meant your cousin. :)
  • Airlines usually have substantially reduced fares for relatives travelling for funerals like this.
    • Thanks for the tip, though my parents already mentioned that. It would have to be a very steep discount, though, before I could realistically afford it right now.

      I was thinking about asking a travel agent tomorrow for the hell of it, but I'm not too hopeful of finding anything in my range. Let's just say BoE and I are worse than broke for the foreseeable future.



      • eth, did you know you're on our list of 'strangers welcome at our house'?

        Yeah, that's what i thought. If at some point you find yourself in the US, i'm declaring immediate road trip status to buy you a beer.

        • Oh sure, just because I'm on another continent you won't make a road trip. Pshee!

          Naturally the offer is reciprocated. Dragonses and blind ones must see Europe! Tiaras and crowns galore! Shiny!



      • by turg ( 19864 )
        It's usually the steepest possible discount -- equal to the lowest price that a ticket on this flight has been sold for (e.g. this usually means the price for buying 21 days in advance). Though you generally have to pay full fare and apply for a rebate (with a letter from the funeral director).
    • I found that to be a complete and utter myth. Back in January when I flew from Atlanta to Cali the fare could NOT be considered "reduced" in ANY way, shape, or form. As a matter of fact, the standard fare (bought w/ 24 hours notice) was cheaper than the "funeral" discount. FWIW.

      Eth -- you got a room here, too, any time it might come in handy. And unfortunately the truck died back around Father's Day, or else I'd have a vehicle to offer you the use of, as well.

      Sorry we'll miss you, and sorry that your un
      • Eth -- you got a room here, too

        Hey BoE, I can go to the funeral! Bethanie says I can sleep at her place! Er, what do you mean, only if I'm castrated first? And...huh? I've never heard of a chastity belt for men before -- where the hell did you get that thing? Come on, put the knife away!

        *grin* What can I say, that's the scenario that immediately popped into mind. ;-)

        Anyway, thanks for the offer (seriously) -- though as it happens my cousin already offered my family to stay with him (rich lawyer, big

  • Death sucks. Even if its not someone you really cared for. I wish his immediate family well.
  • FedEX? You know, with a big box with holes poked in it. Try not to scream when they drop the box off the end of the truck on arrival.

    I am sorry that your uncle didn't get to know you when he was alive. Heck I hardly know any of my uncles either, which is sad.

    • Aw hell, I'll just stick some stamps to my butt and tattoo the address on my chest.



      • Way off topic, but I know some internet Pr0n sites that would pay you some big money for a photo of that....

        BTW, I may be in England next summer, so depending on finances (and if the wife wants to see Germany) I may try yet again to head your way.

        Death sucks, my only living grandparent was all scheduled to fly out to CA when we visited 4 years ago to see my son and my niece, his only 2 great-grandkids at the time (we have each since had another kid). About a month before the trip he had a stroke and died a
        • BTW, I may be in England next summer

          Lucky bastard. ;-)

          depending on finances (and if the wife wants to see Germany) I may try yet again to head your way

          That is an order!

          Besides, Hannover's a nice place, and it even has an airport. ;-)



  • Do not in any circumstances go that hospital, ever...

    My condolences...

He has not acquired a fortune; the fortune has acquired him. -- Bion
