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Journal DaytonCIM's Journal: Uh, huh. Welcome to 21st Century 24

Kansas lawmakers just realized that children were marrying adults in their lovely, god-fearing state... a 14-year-old pregnant girl married her 22-year-old boyfriend. A 37-year-old housewife married her son's 15-year-old friend. And so on...

So, the House voted 119 - 0 to raise the age to... 15. And the Senate passed it 36 - 4.

I won't comment on the 4 dissenters.

What the fuck is wrong with these folks? C'mon! These kids aren't old enough to figure out geometry, but they're old enough to marry?

And yes, I am now bringing the Gay Marriage Agenda to the discussion:

It's OK for adolescent teenage, not-old-enough-to-drive or hold a job, still physically and mentally maturing CHILDREN to marry, but it's NOT OK for two fully grown ADULT men (or women)?

Gimme a fucking break.

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Uh, huh. Welcome to 21st Century

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  • Under the legislation, requested by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a 15-year-old could marry only if a district court judge decided it was in that person's best interest.

    Those who are 16 or 17 could marry if they met one of three conditions: permission from a parent or legal guardian and judicial consent; permission from both parents and any legal guardian; or permission from judge if the parents are dead and there is no legal guardian.

    And it's a heck of a lot better than what the law was previously which did not
    • Frankly, I don't understand why the government needs to give its blessings to people before they are allowed to get married. Any law the discriminates based on marital status probably needs to be repealed anyways.

      If kids are getting married at age 14 or 15, the problem is most likely bad parenting. No amount of government intervention will ever get rid of bad parenting. Just making more laws that won't stop bad parenting, but may hinder good parenting, is a bad idea.
  • Or at least, that's what it was meant to be until the candy-and-cards capitalists got a hold of it. Our real problem with marriage is that most people don't understand that. Marriage is, and always has been, about merging family inheritances and creating a new generation to take care of that inheritance. Now let's tackle your complaints from our newfound historical understanding, shall we?

    What the fuck is wrong with these folks? C'mon! These kids aren't old enough to figure out geometry, but they're ol
    • Sure you do. I still remember learning "the angle of the dangle times the sqaure of the hair equals the heat of the meat".

      OK, so I learned it from Mad Magazine, so what?
    • oh my gosh. no wonder love causes so much trouble. it was invented by the capitalist dogs to subvert the true meaning of marriage. did they have hallmark and sees back when shakespeare was writing on the topic of love? well, at least it certainly didn't have anything to do with marriage as well. or if it did, maybe it was because there was a little bit of free enterprise going on as well.

      i wouldn't call your definition of marriage old-fashioned. i'd just call it narrow. procreation is definately some
      • oh my gosh. no wonder love causes so much trouble. it was invented by the capitalist dogs to subvert the true meaning of marriage. did they have hallmark and sees back when shakespeare was writing on the topic of love?

        No, love wasn't invented by the Capitalists. But if you had truly read your Shakespeare for more than just the superficial sound of the words, you'd know that in every one of his plays, love and marriage are separate things. Romeo and Juliet were kept apart by their families to avoid the o
        • romeo and juliet was about love in the nobility class. marriage also happened with those that had little or no assets to pass on to the next generation.

          love and marriage are different ideas, but i agree to disagree with you that they are unrelated. there is so much more to be gained through love and marriage than just making new humans. i personally plan to partake in some recombinant DNA experiments with my wife, but even without having done so thus far, i have gotten more out of our love and commitment
          • romeo and juliet was about love in the nobility class. marriage also happened with those that had little or no assets to pass on to the next generation.

            There's more than just physical assets- it's also about passing on the way of life, a means of making your customs and traditions imortal. That's why faithful Jews were required to marry, for instance.

            love and marriage are different ideas, but i agree to disagree with you that they are unrelated.

            I think you may misunderstand me- they WERE unrelated.
            • so are you saying that the married couples who i know and that have been married for decades could not still be in love? are you saying that some day i will simply cease to love my parents and friends in addition to ceasing to love my wife? i believe death may close the earthly record, but that's all it can close. love endures. we try to bury it. we lose sight of it sometimes. but it endures.

              love is a commitment.

              i feel sad for you and your lack of love. but i'm glad you can find reasons that let you
              • so are you saying that the married couples who i know and that have been married for decades could not still be in love?

                Still, NO, at least not the romantic lust that so many Americans think love is. AGAIN, possibly- IF you're committed enough to stay married for decades, you're going to fall in and out of love with your spouse many, many, many times- and this is completely natural. Jobs, parenting, household chores, illness, and finances will get in the way from time to time- but if you're committed to
                • ok. i see where you're coming from.

                  All good things come to an end- and if you've had any sort of a LENGTHY relationship with anybody, you know well that you will cease to love, and begin to hate, and go back to loving anybody you're in a relationship with.

                  i've been with the woman i'm married to for ten years. we've been married for almost three of those years. i haven't fallen out of love with her. there have been things we have needed each other to work on. there have been things we have needed to wor
                  • it's entirely possible that you and i simply interpret our emotions differently.

                    Yes, that's very likely. I'm using Standard American- that is the culture point of view where being "In Love" means you're not only completely happy with everything your partner does, you are often quite blind to their faults where everybody around you is screaming at you about those faults. FAR too many people take that as a reason to get married- and we all know what happens to marriages that are based on that initial flus
  • ... but aren't you Catholic? What about Catholic doctrine on same sex marriage??
    • Yup, I am Catholic.

      I don't subscribe to the infallibility of Papal Doctrine - look at the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition or the Church's silence during the Holocaust.

      Love is love: whether it's between a man and a woman or a woman and a woman or a man and a man.
      • The Wikipedia article on papal infallibilty [] has some good information. None of your examples really apply. I think that the teaching on same-sex marriage would probably be considered infallible through the ordinary and universal magisterium, but I don't really know. I think that there's ample evidence, though, that the Church as a temporal organization is anything but infallible. Of course, for me, the whole question of divorce is somewhat more immediate... :-)
      • If you don't subscribe to any aspect of the Catholic church, then you aren't Catholic. Its thinking like that that made protestants.

        Before this gets any more heated, I'm just playing devils advocate, here... not my opinions or anything...
      • Church's silence during the Holocaust.

        On this last, I look to a sister church- the Liberal Reformed Dutch Catholic Church- and what happened when THEY spoke out. Suddenly Pius XII's decision to stay silent and issue fake death and baptism certificates for 860,000 Jews in the city of Rome seems like a MUCH better decision (when compared to speaking out in Amersterdam, which directly led to a sweep of the city for Jews, Catholics, and Catholics harboring Jews, all of which were sent to the concentration ca
    • but aren't you Catholic? What about Catholic doctrine on same sex marriage??

      Actually, most people completely misunderstand Catholic doctrine on this subject. Here's the truth:

      1. Sacramental Marriage requires an intent to procreate- it may well be that the couple turns out to be infertile, but they MUST get married intending to have children.

      2. Civil Marriage is the jurisdiction of governments, as it is a business contract, and has nothing to do with the Church. As such, mere civil marriage contains

Use the Force, Luke.
