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Journal fustakrakich's Journal: A single word to answer Mr. Smith's question 3


That is what people despise. And it should be obvious as to why. The question is just another play of the victim card, like Donald Trump crying to his accountants, *Why does everybody hate me?*

Preach it from the mountain, not from your mansion.

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A single word to answer Mr. Smith's question

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  • They think they are entitled to be treated as royalty.

    • Everything is relative. The politicians are errand boys. They too, bow down before their patrons who provide them their little feudal empires to manage.

    • Oh, and the voters lavishly reward that behavior, trying to live the life vicariously themselves. It's the same fantasy that carries on British Royalty. Not much can be done until that changes. And it will very interesting to see how they react if it ever does.

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