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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: If I'm to Beware Today (I may be in Trouble) 9

Yes, the Ides of March, which was pretty unlucky for Julius Ceasar (though, clearly, fairly good for Rome).

I got a written job offer today. What to do?

I am thinking of telling my job on Friday (after lunch) that my last day will be next Friday (24th). Should I give them less notice than a week? What would Ellem do?

See, I'm the Director of Information Technology, and the "prudent" thing would be to send me home the moment they have my notice. However, the "smart" thing to do would be to get as much information out of me as possible, and agree to an off-hours consulting arrangement, if they need further assistance.

I don't want to be a total jerk, but I'm not willing to give MORE than a 1 week notice, because they've sent managers packing on the day of notice in the past.

Either way, I will be taking a consulting-to-hire as a Perl programmer for a rather huge company. I haven't done full-time professional development for near 9 years. And, well, I've been at my current job for near 7 years, and it's like a divorce (my first marriage lasted five years). That's to say, I'm stressed and nervous, and sad and happy.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

If I'm to Beware Today (I may be in Trouble)

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  • ..., because they've sent managers packing on the day of notice in the past.

    Maybe no notice, but did they get severance? I got 2 weeks severance with each of my 2 layoffs from the 2 dot-bombs I had worked at, that I considered fair since that's the standard notice that employees give employers. I.e. professional courtesy means only 2 weeks to find a job without digging into savings if the company severs the employment relationship, and likewise the company only 2 weeks to find a replacement without things f
    • I have the respect of pretty much everyone, except the CEO. He doesn't like me.*

      I'm giving one weeks notice. I'm handing it over this-morning.

      Doesn't like me == brought in an outsourcing company to evaluate how expensive my salary is, then cut my pay and told me I have to move out of my office into a cube (my office was the server room, nobody is moving into my office). Nobody else has a pay cut.

  • Congratulations!
  • I'm very happy for you. I started reading your JEs around the time that you got an unwritten job offer that ended up not being worth the paper it was(n't) printed on. So I'm glad your headed somewhere professional.

    As for the notice, my $.02 says to do what you know is right. You can't stop them from being stupid, and you professionalism is worth the loss of a week's salary.

    • I appreciate the good wishes. I'm giving them one weeks' notice.

      I commented above, too, that they have beaten me quite severly about the gut over the last several months, and this is not the sort of thing you do for someone you want to 'keep around'. For that, they loose their two week courtesy.

"No job too big; no fee too big!" -- Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghost-busters"
