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Journal grub's Journal: slurpees_kill_keythingees 12



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  • i can't use shift. it works maybe once out of twenty tries. otherwise, it has unpredictable results. usually i get 3 seemingly random characters. sometimes it matches a key combination, specifically one that opens up windows media player. i have to use caps lock to type a capital letter and have to copy and paste any nonletter.

    the problem started a week ago. i fixed the problem for a day or two by cleaning out the keyboard. i took all the keys off and vacuumed. the keyboard is fairly dirty, but there hasn

  • If you're in windows (unlikely for you) XP, you can run osk.exe, which gives you an onscreen keyboard.
    • Funny, it's on a Linux box but how I found out something was wonky was when I tried to vnc over to my Windows satellite receiver PC. The password was not being accepted. So I started up joe (text editor) and found which keys were dead.

      GREAT info re: osk.exe, that's an awesome tip!

    • On linux you can use kcharselect or I think there's a gnome equivalent
  • If you enjoyed the challenge of typing without certain letters, read this book [methuen.co.uk].

  • That's about as ugly as my proposed solution quick and dirty temporary solution. Select a space on a page and copy it, then carry on hitting ^V as needed. Ugly, but workable for a while.

    My flatmate's laptop numpad function is inverted - `heirophant' comes out as `he5r6-hant', `likewise' comes out as `352ew5se'. Holding down the `Fn' key brings it back to normal. Letting go reverts to garb3ed text. I'm open to sacrificing a year old chicken without blemish (I normally reserve them for despairing SCSI
    • Wow... that happened to my/my wife's laptop after a late-night bout with java over VPN...

      I did the "ARARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" finger banging and it all got fucked up. So I shut down and rebooted a few times. Don't remember how but it came back out of it.

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