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Journal Koria's Beloved's Journal: Introduction 5


Background. I was the cause of this journal entry. I was as surprised as she was at what happened. The pain in her words wrenched my heart. But speaking for myself, the gift that she has given me is priceless and joyful beyond measure.

It has been a strange and wonderful summer. I do not know what the future will bring. What I know now is that I love Koria with all of my heart and soul.
This discussion was created by Koria's Beloved (913620) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • you've got plenty of chance to browse through friends lists and see who's interesting ;)

    slashdot is a great time wasting site. not a complete waste of time alas, as there are plenty of people trying to help people figure out the world and what's right and what's wrong... etc.

    I guess i assumed that you and koria had been together longer (i don't pay attention very well ;) wha Shiney! preety shiney... ;)
    good luck
  • Your love has not returned void.

  • Love is one of the greatest themes of my journal.

    Slashdotting reality might turn to just reality in that we got curious some slashdotters and try to get in touch with them in real life. But sometimes not often our reality turns to slashdotting reality, which we don't normaly encounter since slashdotting is indirect way to achieve somebody, it's not necessary to use the way for those who can see in our daily life. But it is effective for those who used to get together but now separated for many reasons. I a

"Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." -- Yogi Berra
