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Journal lithron's Journal: Moving Sale: All speeches 90% off! 7

During Labour Day weekend the office I work in moved to another part of the building. Lots of packing, lots of heavy lifting, and now lots of lost items.

At home I've been cleaning up my room and the office/computer room. Lots of things have been trashed, and many items will be going to Freecycle'rs.

Which leads me to my current delima. I've been spending all my time packing, and moving, and cleaning instead of working on the speech that I have to give tonight at 6:00. Its the "final" speech, and we're expected to give a 10 to 12 minute speech. Except I just don't care, and I'm seriously thinking about giving a 2 to 5 minute speech and just accepting that I'm going to "fail" this speech. Even if I do fail this speech I'll still make a B in the class overall.

So why am I so worried about it? I have a B already.. anything else I do is just gravy

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Moving Sale: All speeches 90% off!

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