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Journal mekkab's Journal: G-burgher to Balto; redux 11

It went something like this;
at 6:30 on the frickin' dot, 124 to brink road/sundown to 97 to 70 to 40 to light street by 8:00 am.

Damn. An hour and a half.

We may try tinkering with the above route (more time on 70?) but I'm thinking 495-95-395..., what could possibly go wrong?! (or maybe taking 28 across to 95...)

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G-burgher to Balto; redux

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  • That 270 South to 495 East merge? You're braver than I thought.
  • Stay off the DC beltway. Its a madhouse starting at 5:30am.

    Trust me on this Mekka. 28 for teh win. Listen to the radio for closures.
    • okay. Combined Voodoo of 270 and 495 == power I can't take. I'm no ninja. 28 it is.

      Listen to the radio for closures.

      Like on 28 and 95? If its bad enough, abandon ship and take 70->40?

      • Learn every road in between and the shortcomings thereof.

        29 is a decent option running parallel to 95, Route 1 isn't.

        70 / 40 has 144 running parallel to it.

        Its actually worth the $12.95 to get the local ADC map books.
  • Buy a fuckin helicopter and chopper yourself in everyday.

    I thought you were pimp Mekka?

    What is this "stuck in traffic" BS?

    Come on man, RIPTIDE their asses.

    Then you and Siel, I mean, Lando, can Colt .45 their asses as you run up in the sky so deep, it be cryin.

    (Have I used the Delta thing too much lately? I don't think so)
    • Then you and Siel, I mean, Lando, can Colt .45 their asses as you run up in the sky so deep, it be cryin.

      You thought it was rain!

      (Have I used the Delta thing too much lately?

      An Emphatic NO!!!

"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
