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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: Fotokon #3 16

People I recognize.

Some Woman - You're giving it away woman! Shoulda left it at the first one.
Mekkab - Yea, go ahead, be lazy like FK and use the exact same pic you've used 2 other places.
Blinder - You'll never guess where I am.
Richard - Distinctive Mug. Is it a recent shot?
BWJones - That'll show me for reading your blog.
Me - If I can't recognize myself there's something wrong.
Ellem - Please don't shoplift from my store!
Solemndragon - Battle pixie!
Sielwolf - He looks so normal, don't he?
GMHowell - Grizzly adams, is that you?
Saige - I still like the hair.
Insanecarbonbasedlif(eform) - You like JUST posted these.
JawtheShark - Do you ever not have beer?
Btzlu2 - Edward Norton in disguise. I swear. Seriously, could you possibly look MORE like you belong in chicago?
Tuxette - How many short haired asian women who could kick my ass do we have around here? One.
Dexterpexter - Take down the pictures on your about me website if you haven't already. Only reason why I got ya.
Bethanie - Who couldn't pick bethanie out of a lineup by now.
Leons - Also obvious, he's got enough pics up in enough other places and has posted enough in the past.
Eugene TS Wong - Eugene! Where the hell you been?
Arb - You're also fairly easy to pick out.
Tet - Same here.
Technolust - Same here.
Ethelred - Finally we see the confessor!
Johndii - Has gone crazy. They're coming to take him away ha ha.
Fortknox - Duh. His face is all over the internets now.
CyranoVR - Also fairly easy, if you've ever talked to him on AIM.

So that's 23 I have to disqualify myself from.

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Fotokon #3

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  • I was thinking of trying for some K-Mart type isht but decided against it for a normal digital shot.

    That night I woke up and went into the bathroom to blow my nose. This caused a bloody nose which I wiped off on my face and it made me, half naked mind you, look like the expected psychopath. I should've taken a picture. But, shit, who would believe me? We all know what BTK turned out looking like. :p
    • At least it was a new shot. Mine is like 2 years old and definately casts me in a certain light.

      And oh yea, I just remembered. It's April. Now WTF was Mekkab talking about?
      • WTF was Mekka talking about? I actually took NEW pictures (to accentuate my dumb-ass mutton-chop sideburns) but never got around to uploading from camera and compressing for web-niceness. Deadline was today, and I think I'll be done by Wednesday (which is actually a lot better than most of the rest of my team- we all fucked).

        In the meantime, I got all caught up in this FotoKon shit (P.S.- I take ALL the credit for the word FOTOKON. [slashdot.org] and now I gotta bust some re-work out. Strcpy? strncpy? strcat? strncat?
        • Yea, you seemed to have mysterious knowledge about gatherings that no one else possesses.

          Yea, strings are so damned confusing, ain't they?

          Damn you string.h... DAMN THEE!
  • If Sielwolf is who I think he is, it was like looking into a mirror (that takes about 40 pounds off).
    • You think that's freaky...there's a guy on there who looks just like me. To the extent that everytime I see his photo it startles me.
      • Shyuh? no. No. NO!!!

        There's no guy that looks like you hottie! If he does, don't show him to me, he'll confuse me. :)

        "Sielwolf's" picture startles me EVERY TIME. It's really weird.
        • Seilwolf's picture doesn't startle me; nor the first time I met him when I didn't really get a chance to speak with him; seemed like a nice boy.

          Teh Wulxfxxorz starteles me when he gets that gleam in his eye and that tight rictus across his teeth...
          it is like staring into the face of madness.

          And I want to know who the frick looks like SW! I thought I knew what SW looked like from pixx0rz!
          • He doesn't startle me because he's teh Sielwolf, but because he looks just like me. :)

            You, however, are a gorgeous specimen of prime rib!
  • ...since I'm fooling exactly no one, I'll talk about my pics...

    That's actually an older pic. He's got a lot more hair nowadays (already had his first haircut a month ago). I think he was six months old at that point.

    I had a much better/funnier pic of the two of us, but I couldn't find it in time. Even contained the prerequisite hints that FK wanted. But the one you see was the only one I could find with both of us. (You might know I just found it today by accident.)

    Unfortunately I'm usually the one be

  • OK, maybe I'm just a clueless fscktart, but WTF is a FOTOKON?
  • ellem's ignoring me, but I know I can count on you for an answer...

If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
