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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Rej Sub: Texas AG Sues Vonage over VOIP 911 4

Obligatory whine about a rejected submission. There were probably several submissions of this news item, and mine stayed in "Pending" status for several hours, so I think I was given a fair shot.

The winner, Texas Attorney General Sues Vonage over 911, has a better subject than mine (no abbr's), is under the more popular (if inaccurate) "Your Rights Online" category, and doesn't stoop to including a Simpsons reference. "You selected Regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press 1."

Texas AG Sues Vonage over VOIP 911
from the rejected-submissions dept.
RobertB-DC writes "It sounds like something from The Simpsons, but it happened in Texas: when 17-year-old Joyce John tried to call 911 during a burglary, she got a recording telling her to use another line. The state's Attorney General is now suing Vonage, citing this incident as proof that the company failed to inform customers that their "just like a regular phone" VOIP service doesn't come with traditional 911 access. Just coming clean won't be enough, either: the state wants $20k per customer in civil penalties."

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Rej Sub: Texas AG Sues Vonage over VOIP 911

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  • What subject did you put it under?
    • I assume you mean what Slashdot Section? I put it under "IT", subcategory "Business" (see the journal entry icon).

      I was looking for something having to do with VoIP, but didn't have any luck. I guess I should have used YRO, but I'm among those who occasionally gets frustrated with the stories there that have nothing to do with online rights issues.
      • Yes, I meant section... lol I agree with you regarding YRO. I do not think it belongs there either. I have not looked at the categories lately but do they have anything indicating internet safety or law enforcement?

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