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Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards Announced 257

aws4y writes "Linux Journal is reporting the results of its readers choice awards, among the winners are Slashdot for favorite Linux web site, Debian for favorite distro, Evolution for favorite email client and VIM for favorite editor."
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Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards Announced

Comments Filter:
  • by c_oflynn ( 649487 ) on Friday October 10, 2003 @12:04PM (#7183685)
    As a giant thank-you for picking Slashdot as fav discussion site, lets all go drop by their servers ;-)
  • Let me start...

    I just switched from Mozilla mail to KMail after Mozilla lost my entire configuration and insisted on creating a new profile every time I launched it.

    Didn't try Evolution...
    • Evolution is just like Outlook. In our office, we have a number of former Outlook users, who could us from the first second on. Evolution is definitely one of the killer applications that make Linux on the desktop more widespread.
  • good thing RedHat didn't come accross as the best distro once again :)
  • Freshmeat! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Davak ( 526912 ) on Friday October 10, 2003 @12:06PM (#7183714) Homepage
    Where is freshmeat?

    Freshmeat [] has to be the most addicted, most refreshed site that I know of.

    It's like crack knowing that you can go and get new, exciting, cutting-edge software... and hell, it's updated all day long.

    I love slashdot... but I think freshmeat deserved a mention as well.

  •'ll find Outport [] very handy (here's a screenshot []).

    It works quite well; I was able to convert most of my data with it.
  • Wow, this is pure religious war fodder! What were they thinking? Linux Journal must be secretly run by MS, plotting to destroy linux from the inside out by fostering infighting!

    Oh, and I demand a recount - they were using an inferior plurality tallying method. We all know that more people prefer emacs and it would have won if it's vote wasn't split between GNU emacs and Xemacs.
    • We all know that more people prefer emacs...

      No, very few people prefer emacs, they just take up far more system resources than the vi/vim majority.

      First round goes to the forces of light - the vi/vim camp!

    • What about Vile? If you don't use vile you are knuckdragging troglodyte that who probably attended a State College!
    • > We all know that more people prefer emacs and it would have won
      > if it's vote wasn't split between GNU emacs and Xemacs.

      No, I'm afraid there are many who prefer vim. Some nonsense about
      it taking less time to load (which is of course silly considering
      you only ever need to load your editor after you upgrade it (or
      upgrade your kernel)), or something about cursor-movement keys being
      for wussies, or somesuch, or meaningless complaints about the default
      key bindings being bad (well, of course the defaults
  • Uhh what (Score:3, Funny)

    by Sir Haxalot ( 693401 ) on Friday October 10, 2003 @12:08PM (#7183729)
    Slashdot for favorite Linux web site
    Since when has Slashdot been a Linux website?
  • This is pretty much the same as it was last year.

    The "big three", OpenOffice, Mozilla, and KDE will probably continute to the most liked office suite, web browser, and desktop environment, respectively.

    OpenOffice has won it since it's maturation, Mozilla since it's maturation (and the death of NS 4.7), and KDE has won it's category since 1999 (when the desktop environment category was introduced)
  • I have to disagree partly with this. Although its good for streaming and a small collection of music, but it shows its age when you have 10s of thousands of music files. There are no catagories, album cover display, sort by album/artist or ID3 displays, the skins are crap (same ones for years now), no MonkeyAudio, randomize sucks, takes forever to load a 18,000+ file playlist, etc.. Shall I go on?

    I want the power and ease of use of RealOne, simple.

    • Speaking of XMMS problems....

      Anyone else moderately-to-extremely annoyed at how in the track info listing in "View File Info", the "Comment" field is rendered useless because (at least in ogg) xmms looks for a "=" to start the comment field, instead of the proper "COMMENT="? So I have to go someplace else just to load up the track and see who the fuck the violinist is on Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto. Is this an oversight that's never been fixed, or some bizarre "feature"?

      It would also be nice if the play

    • To be honest, I have zero problems with XMMS other than I've yet to figure out how to play a CD with it. Open Location, no go. Open DIrectory (not that you can actually mount an ACD), no go. There's no "play device" (/dev/cdrom)or something like that option for XMMS (someone want to give me a bit of a clue here?)

      xmms 1.2.7-r25, Gentoo (as new as it gets)
      • I have never seen this problem. I play audio CDs through my sound card with no problems. Have you tried configuring the cd audio plug in? there should be a mount directory type thing there.

        (iirc you want to NOT mount the cd, but still go to /mnt/cdrom)
    • Switch to Rythmbox. XMMS is caught in a timewarp like you said. Fine if your one of the rare people who creates hundreds of playlists but not really practial for a lot of people.
      You could also try Zinf. It also unlike XMMS at least makes an attempt to try to make navigating and organizing your music collection possible.
  • Coffee? Coffee?

    I see Mt. Dew as the drink of the programming generation...

    I enjoy coffee. Mt. Dew improves the code.

    (until you've had way too much... and at that time all code goes to sh!t. But, hey, that's life)

  • Vim for best editor?? What are these guys smoking? Where is Emacs?

    Oh wait... I already use vim all the time. Ahem. Never mind me, carry on...

    (Said firmly tongue-in-cheek, of course! Feel free to mod me down, now) ;-)
  • Geesh, I must be the only one that *still* uses PICO....
    • If you are not using Elvis then you are a scumsucking, RMS-subservient fool who probably failed out of a Philly-area private college. Elvis rules! Elvis is everywhere. Elvis is everything. Elvis is everybody, cuz Elvis is still the King.
      • The following is from etc/JOKES in the emacs distribution:
        Subject: missing from etc/emacs.names
        Date: Thu, 20 May 93 02:21:27 edt


        Just so you boys know the score.

        Thank you very Much,
        The King
    • Dunno about that, but I'm probably the only person here who regularly uses Windows Notepad. :p
      • Dunno about that, but I'm probably the only person here who regularly uses Windows Notepad.

        Does that run under Crossover?

    • Re:VIM? (Score:3, Informative)

      PICO? Please say you meant GNU nano (which is the default editor for Debian and has the same functionality as PICO without the onerous license.)
  • What's the deal with linking to slashdot in the article blurb? Isn't someone who is reading the article automatically already on slashdot (and most likely on the homepage, at least for today)?
  • by goldcd ( 587052 ) * on Friday October 10, 2003 @12:15PM (#7183839) Homepage
    Here []
  • Does it strike anybody else as odd that the favorite desktp is KDE and the favorite email app is Evolution? Are there that many people mixing the two? I'm genuinely wondering because I seem to get mixed results when I do that. That's why I stuck to kmail.

    • Re:Odd mix. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by fault0 ( 514452 )
      Yup, there are plenty of people using KDE and Evolution. Perhaps the upcoming release of KDE 3.2 along with Kontact [] will change that for some people. However, other people, like myself, will probably stick with Evolution for the following features:

      1. Exchange 2000 support
      2. Client side IMAP filtering

      But.. I'd probably switch to using kmail/kontact partially if it had HTML editing =)
      • I use procmail to handle that stuff. Then I can check my email from whatever IMAP client is handy. Is there an advantage of using client-side filtering vs. server-side?
        • Well... it's good if you're lazy, and just can't be bothered to setup procmail rules.

          Not that I'm speaking from experience. At all.
          • The more I think about client-side IMAP filtering, the less it makes sense. The whole point of the IMAP protocol was to allow the user to check email from any given client, for example the work computer, the home computer and the travel laptop.

            If the client has a whole bunch of filtering built in, then, you have to synchronize across all the clients, which cancels out the original point.

            The better solution would be to make a friendly GUI for procmail that any client can launch. Am I right?
            • The better solution would be to make a friendly GUI for procmail that any client can launch. Am I right?

              Completely. However since I don't have the understanding of procmail to do a good job of it, and don't have inclination to get one, client side filtering will have to do for now.
      • Does Evolution have Mozilla-like Bayesian Spam killing?
        I could not find any references on the home page.
  • All of this is so stereotypical...
    VIM, C++, Coffee!?

    It don't show what is good on linux, it just show what the wannabies think is good. Come on... C++!

    • C++ is used almost exclusively by three of the biggest projects that won this year in terms of lines of code: Mozilla, OOo, and KDE.

      C++ on UNIX-like systems has been on an uptake, and it's usage on large projects shows that it is good for maintainability and production of such projects.
  • And now, for the first time ever, Slashdot itself gets /.'ed by one of it's own stories.... shouldn't that cause a paradox that destroys the universe, like if Marty saw himself in Back to the Future 2?

  • SCO had never heard of Debian before. Now that Debian is everyone's favourite distro, SCO will sue them too!
  • Here are some choices:

    • Linus Torvalds
    • Alan Cox
    • Bruce Perens
    • Robert Young (CEO, RedHat)
    • Ian Murdock (Founder, Debian Project)
    • RMS (but only if it is a vote for favorite GNU/Linux geek)
  • I expect that Firebird will take the top browser spot once it matures.

    Other than Outlook integration, has anyone an opinion on Thunderbird's future compared to Evolution?

    • Well, I use the Mozilla browser *and* mail client. Since I use both, I use Mozilla instead of Firebird.

      As for the Moz mail client, my biggest rave is it's junk mail filter. Other than that it's a very basic email client, certainly not as feature full as Evolution but it's well organized, easy to use, and it just works. If you're looking for calendaring functionality, you're not going to find it in Moz mail. There's another app that adds that called Calendar [] but I've never used it. Mind you, I've been usi
      • "[Mozilla is] certainly not as feature full as Evolution"

        Oh, yeah, like Mozilla doesn't tell me what the temperature is. And every email app needs a calander or it just isn't an email app worth using.

        I like 'em both (and use them both) but let's NOT encourage feature bloat any more than we have to.


        PS: That goes for Microsoft, too.
  • I find it interesting that in the application categories, GNOME/GTK+ apps won out (Mozilla (yes, it's GTK+ remember), Evolution, Gaim, GIMP, even XMMS (still! GStreamer/Rhythmbox has a long way to come yet)), while the favorite desktop was KDE...

    Do a lot of people run KDE, yet mostly use GTK+/GNOME apps then?
  • by nbdy ( 684290 )
    Most of time people select mysql. But postgresql is much more advance regarding to features, and not bad performance too....
  • Emacs! (Score:5, Funny)

    by soboroff ( 91667 ) on Friday October 10, 2003 @12:40PM (#7184126)
    Favorite editor: Emacs
    Favorite email client: Emacs
    Favorite web browser: Emacs
    Favorite office suite: Emacs
    Favorite IDE: Emacs
    Favorite programming language: Emacs Lisp
    Favorite IM client: Emacs
    Favorite source browser: Emacs
    Favorite FTP client: Emacs
    Favorite filesystem browser: Emacs
    Favorite shell: Emacs
    Favorite psychotherapist: Emacs
    Favorite HTML editor: Emacs
    Favorite windowing system: Emacs
    Favorite newsreader: Emacs
    Favorite calendaring tool: Emacs
    Favority blog tool: Emacs
    Favorite graphics tool:!

    • Favorite graphics tool:!

      Emacs could actually win this one too (although still facetiously, but that fits in with the theme of your post, I gather :P). I only know this because i was browsing through O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs when I saw a picture of an ASCII-art "house", and looked on the previous page to find the section heading "Emacs Graphics Mode". Now I love emacs as much as the next man, but I think I speak for most of us when I say, "*shudder*"

    • Hey! I create XPMs and SVG files in Emacs you insensitive clod!

      OK, so I don't... but you could if you wanted to and were insane enough to try.
    • Yeah, I agree. Emacs is a great integrated system. Too bad it's texts editor sucks so much.
    • Favorite graphics tool:!

      emacs -f picture-mode
  • ... where is the "Cowboy Neal" option? THAT'S my favorite in ANY category!
  • I noticed this:

    Favorite Portable Workstation: QLI 15" AMD NOTEBOOKS

    Since AMD laptops seem few and far between, I looked for some more info. It seems that QLI doesn't offer a 15" AMD option among the laptops they offer []. The only AMD laptop they offer is 14.1" [], and if this is the one they meant, I have no idea why it would win. Other than the linux preinstall, it's totally undistinguished. The screen is 1024x768, has shared graphics memory, and the main memory runs at only 133MHz -- hardly a "workstation"
  • I much prefer GNOME to KDE -- faster and simpler.
  • ...and VIM for favorite editor.

    Looks like there's a bug in M-x stuff-ballot.

  • So how close did Emacs come to VIM? Or was the Emacs vote split between GNU Emacs and XEmacs? How close was Galeon to Mozilla? PostgreSQL to MySQL?

    I'm not necessarily interested in what is most popular, but how popular it was and what it's runners-up were.
  • Favorite Web-Hosting Service: RACKSPACE Aren't they the ones that can't seem to keep spammers off their network? Or have they cleaned up their act?

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
