Five Years of KDE 401
Jacek Fedorynski writes: "Looks like KDE is five years old. Five years seems like a lot of time but just look how much they've achieved in this time." I think the hard part is just beginning - KDE has got all the basics down, and now they have to resist adding too much more crap.
A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Interesting)
In 5 years, KDE has gone from nothing to KDE 2.2, which is an almost enterprise-quality desktop suite, with sophisticated development tools, an included office suite, and hundreds of other tools.
Imagine where we'll be in another five years.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:4, Troll)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Troll)
bass-ackwards (Score:1)
increment = Pronunciation: 'i[ng]-kr&-m&nt, 'in-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin incrementum, from increscere to increase
Date: 15th century
1 : the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value : ENLARGEMENT
2 a : something gained or added b : one of a series of regular consecutive additions c : a minute increase in quantity
3 : the amount or degree by which something changes; especially : the amount of positive or negative change in the value of one or more of a set of variables
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2, Informative)
Kde 2.0 Release Announcement [kde.org]
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Informative)
Err, wrong. NT has no VMS code in it at all. Perhaps you're referring to the fact that Microsoft hired a number of big-time VMS developers to create NT? That would explain VMS-isms in NT, while supporting the fact that NT != VMS. As far as the acronym goes, that's pretty much BS (in the way that crap like numerology is BS. You can always come up with those types of "interesting" correlations that mean absolutely nothing). The company line on NT is that it has no meaning. It's simply the letters 'N' and 'T'. "New Technology" is something that the media dreamed up to assign meaning where there was none.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
Realistically NT was an OS2 fork (as far as I'm concerned) but with a wierd mishmash of windows (3) , dos , posix and VMS bits stuck on it.
NT = Intel N-10 (Score:3, Informative)
I read an interview that the name NT actually shorthand used by Microsoft developers for N-10, the codename for the Intel i860 (the RISC CPU for which Windows NT was orignally written).
Barking up the wrong code tree (Score:2, Informative)
In six years microsoft have gone from NT 4 to windows XP. It's not a particularly big jump in terms other than hardware support.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Informative)
In 5 years they went from Windows 95 to Windows ME (not XP - that's 6 years), stability of ME, at least on my machine is a lot worse (in fact it's so unstable it's what finally drove me to install Linux), and I shudder to think what boot time would be on the same hardware I had back then (486/66).
Hopefully the 486'ers won't get their way (Score:1)
Re:Hopefully the 486'ers won't get their way (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Insightful)
Ummm, Macintosh?
Re:Smalltalk 77, GEM (Score:2)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
OS/2 Nuff said.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
Frankly, I don't care what Microsoft did anyways, this is a ridiculous competition, this Windows vs. Linux stuff. Obviously Microsoft have been writing software for a very long time now and have some talented programmers and designers working for them-- and while they make some bad decisions, overall the software is not bad. But since all of that is overshadowed by the way they price their products and treat their customers, they could be coding software that turned lead to gold and some of us would do our best to avoid it.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:4, Insightful)
And after 5 years I'll bet most KDE users are using pretty much the latest version. Nearly 7 years after its release it is not odd to find Windows 95 still in use (about 100 of the 500 boxes I support are running 95), enough so software and peripheral companies still benifit from supporting it. Why is it still in use? For one, the price of upgrading all the software, secondly, the value of not replacing old systems for many orginizations. Comparing KDE and its five years of development and any five years of development in Windows history demonstrates the strenth of free software.
A company should have a focus - instead of trying to be all things to all people (MS == content provider/os maker/game station maker/you name it). KDE is a great example of what is possible when a project is not non-competitive, and focuses on providing one thing, in this case a desktop environment. Some might argue that KDE's focus is too broad. I don't use it that much, so I couldn't say.
Anyway, good work KDE people! Keep it up!
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:4, Insightful)
B) Users of KDE tend to be the admins of their own machine
C) Installs of KDE tend to be highly isolated compared to the mass installs you will find of windows at a corporation
Anyone who does custom work on their own (especially when there is OSD dogma pushing them forward) will of course upgrade as soon as possible. Corporations always move slower.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
it is not odd to find Windows 95 still in use
Sure, many companies still have site licenses for windows 95. If you have a machine running 95 they know it is compliant without hasstle. Microsoft won't sell site licesnes for windows 98, so those users are on their own, the company can't legally support them (even if they own the machine) without having to keep track of licesnes for everyone. If you lose your copy of the license, then they fire you and call it a employiee steeling when audited. Those who have the offical OS on their machine (windows 95) are supported and the company takes the risk of keeping track of licenses. (which is easy)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
Compare the costs/benefits of upgrading KDE-1.0 to KDE-2.2.1. Now compare the costs/benefits of upgrading Windows95 to WindowsME.
Frankly, for zero cost I get a wealth of new features and stability with KDE-2.2.1, but I have to spend $100 to get the miserly offerings of WindowsME. No contest. I know several people who still use Windows95. Their stated reason is simply that they see no compelling reason to upgrade.
What percentage of Windows users actually chose to upgrade from Window95 to 98 to ME? A very low percentage. Most Win98 users got theirs with their computer. Most WinME users got theirs with their computer.
(and of course, the demographics are completely different from Unix to Win/DOS users, and also for Win/NT, which is why you find a more NT users upgrading to 2K than you do W98 users to WME)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2, Insightful)
Seriously though, competition is just one of them. Freedom is another one. Bitchingly good code is yet another. Doing stuff just for the fuck of not getting bored yet another. Dodging the MS-tax yet another.
There are *lots* of reasons.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Insightful)
I couldn't agree more. There are very few (if any) paid KDE developers. Basically all of the work that went into producing KDE was done for free by people on their own time. Considering that Microsoft pays its Windows developers, they don't have to work another job at the same time, and there are quite a few more of them, I'd say it's even *more* remarkable that KDE has come as far as it has in such a short timeframe.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Insightful)
Second, KDE does not compare to Windows 2000 or Win XP. KDE is a GUI layer on top of a Linux OS-- hell, it's not even entirely that-- since it needs X to run. KDE is also a bunch of applications from the superb (Konqueror) to the not-so-spectacular (Konsole would be a good example of something that could use more work). Win2k/XP (as I understand it) integrate the GUI and the kernel.
Third, calling Microsoft a groundbreaker is just a load of BS. They have never broken any ground that I'm aware of. I have yet to see a single feature on the MS machines I use five days a week that is truly original. In fact, I distinctly recall a point in time where I knew zero about running Windows, but managed to hum along nicely because I'd been using a Mac since 1987. And even still, using the eye-pleasing Liquid theme for KDE, my KDE/Linux experience is a lot more Mac-ish than Windows-ish.
All that said, KDE is my GUI of choice. I'm in the process of learning C++ simply so I can write applications that work with Qt/KDE (yeah, I know they have "bindings" in Python and a couple other scripting languages, but I think it's time to learn C++ anyway). The GUI I have in front of me is simply the nicest looking, most functional (in terms of easily customized and sensibly constructed) interface I think I've ever used. If I could change any one thing, I don't know what it would be. Maybe a better terminal emulator and a KDE port of emacs.
Five Years? (Score:3, Funny)
It feels a lot longer to me.
It must be the dog years phenomena, where 5 years = 30 dog years.
somehow, that feels alot closer to the truth.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:3, Interesting)
It was a completely different time and makes your analogy not very applicable.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:5, Insightful)
Don't get me wrong, i don't mean to not give KDE credit where credit is due...but we gotta be fair, comparing KDE to Windows is hardly an equal comparison.
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2)
(2) Comparing the upper levels of Windows to KDE is entirely fair. Sure, Open Source has different engineers working on the lower levels, but so does Microsoft.
A great example of an RMS witch-hunt (Score:4, Informative)
A point that needs to be raised is that all this was achieved in the face of possibly the nastiest episode in the history of free software; the FUD spread by GPL fanatics about the QT licence.
Gnome was founded by said fanatics for one reason and one reason only - to squash KDE, the best thing that had ever happened to desktop Linux. Microsoft must have been laughing their heads off...
And let's not forget that when Trolltech finally GPL'd the QT library RMS in one of the most arrogant pieces I've ever seen graciously granted "forgiveness" to the KDE team for unspecified breaches of the GPL that *may* have happened and then ended with "Go Gnome!.
Five years on KDE continues to bring out with almost military precision new releases. Despite vastly greater resources thrown at, Gnome 2.0x is as far off as ever, and Gnome remains a pretty but unstable desktop with some poorly-integrated GTK apps that have been retrospectively given the Gnome imprimateur.
Ironic, innit, that the only reason Gnome is still going is because the US suits who back it prefer LGPL to GPL - ie our noble FSF clacque who dumped on KDE using the GPL are quite happy to use a less free licence.
Anyway, as a usable desktop KDE is way out of front. Gnome is there for wannabe hackers who can't stomach the discipline of C++ and ideological fanatics. And those who want to stay in the perfection of eternal beta-land.
KDE shows what can be done with limited resources and a proper design and project plan
GNOME shows what happens when large amounts of resources are pissed up against the wall to make up for lack of said design and project planning.
KDE = Konqueror
GNOME = Mozilla
KDE = results
GNOME = vapourware
Re:The tribal instinct (Score:2)
According to Redhat, I was a criminal. Debian and GNU agreed. I may not be a member of any "tribe", but it's clear to me which tribes only talk about freedom, and which ones actually practice it.
Re:A great example of an RMS witch-hunt (Score:2)
Re:A great example of an RMS witch-hunt (Score:2)
The issue was about precompiled distributions of KDE, not the source code. QPL is not GPL compatible, thus one had no right to distribute GPL binaries linked to QPL binaries. Doing so anyways simply voids the rights the GPL grants you, and everything falls back to default copyright law (no distribution without explicit permission from the copyright holder - in particular, no further redistribution). So, binary distribution of KDE were, basically, illegal, because it wasn't clearly stated everywhere that the licence was not vanilla GPL, but GPL plus the ability to distribute copies linked with QPL code. Many people of the KDE developement team stated that this was obviously an implicit assumption, but there is at least one case where implicit assumptions were not so obvious: OpenBSD net filtering code, and you know how it ended.
After Qt has been available under GPL too, RMS simply said that that old KDE binary distributions were OK anyways at least for the parts of KDE that used/linked/included GPL code property of FSF - Stallman can't really speak for others here.
In other words, he didn't really do a favour to the KDE developmet team in itself, since it was their right to distribute all the GPL source code they wanted, but rather to the Linux distributors which distributed binary builds of KDE even if they couldn't.
Hope that this clears your doubts.
Re:A great example of an RMS witch-hunt (Score:2)
Their webpage said I could distribute KDE. Their FAQ said I could distribute KDE. They listed mirrors and distros they recommended to get KDE binaries. I asked a KDE member if it was okay to distribute KDE (reply: "duh!"). Even their licenses said I could distribute KDE.
The terms of distribution may not have been clear to you and others, but they were obvious to the rest of us.
RMS simply said that that old KDE binary distributions were OK anyways at least for the parts of KDE that used/linked/included GPL code property of FSF
No code that was the property of the FSF and was ever used in KDE, and no code that was the property of the FSF and licensed under an exception-less GPL was ever linked to by KDE. RMS knew this. Thus is grant of forgiveness to the KDE team was insulting.
Re:A great example of an RMS witch-hunt (Score:2)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:1)
Re:A great example of open-source at work. (Score:2, Insightful)
and Xerox did it before Apple
and Doug Englebart did it before Xerox (c. 1966??)
Crap? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Kde (Score:1)
Oh, and what's with all the spammers on here tonight?
Crap? (Score:5, Insightful)
KDE has got all the basics down, and now they have to resist adding too much more crap.
I think KDE team is doing their good job. What do you mean by "adding more crap"? Do you mean adding more apps into the window manager? Well, you can always only download kde-base and other necessary ones if you don't like KOffice, KDevelop, and other stuffs...
Meanwhile, I like the idea to integrating their office suite with KDE. That way, you can get consistencies in user interface so that Windoze users don't get too much shock on migration.
Moreover, they're getting better every release. More stable, speedier, and more usable to users. Five years to develop this brilliant stuff is just unbelievably short. Not even Microsoft can build their lousy Win3.1 to another lousy Win2K, that took them more than 5 years...
Re:Crap? (Score:1)
KDE Teams Does Try to Squeeze RAM Usage (Score:1)
Please read this article [kde.org]. They said that the effort will save around 450K each app and possible more.
KDE teams certainly wanted to squeeze the RAM usage. There IS an effort to do that. Big RAM usage is inevitable for GUI apps, IMHO. Moreover, KDE apps are designed to interoperate -- that's an obvious need for another chunk of RAM.
If you'd like to use as minimum RAM as possible, don't use GUI stuff -- just the bare command line, load only necessary modules. If necessary, you can recompile the kernel and the modules, apps, daemon you use using highly optimized switch of the GCC.
Re:Crap? (Score:2, Interesting)
Please note that KDE is simply a desktop environment/object model/bunch of apps. If Microsoft only changed the interface between win3.x and win2k (or even between win3.x and win95), then that would be a valid comparison. However, the evolutions you refer to involve the core operating system as well (especially your comparison of win3.x to win2k, but even win3.x to win95 included core OS changes, such as the switch to native 32-bit protected mode, using DOS only as a boot strap, rather than being little more than a DOS shell).
KDE is a great product, and I agree that it has come far in a relatively short amount of time, but please compare apples to apples. And don't forget that KDE didn't have to do all the "difficult" research that Microsoft did. 12 years after the GUI became "mainstream" (1984, Apple Macintosh), KDE began their project. Both Apple and Microsoft had gone through numerous iterations, making mistakes on the way, and eventually coming up with paradigms that Just Work. KDE was able to use all this design that came before it. (Note that I'm not saying that's a bad thing.)
Re:Crap? (Score:2)
Framework, check. Applications, next. (Score:1)
Next step: applications. A lot of development focus of some of the core developers is shifting from kdelibs to KOffice which indeed needs more work, but the differences between 1.0 and 1.1 are a positive sign for 1.2/2.0. With a stable API (porting from Qt2/KDE 2.x to Qt3/KDE 3.x is very little work) KDE 3 should do for applications within KDE what the 2.x series did for the framework.
I doubt much more new features will be added to the core technology of the desktop. I don't get such an impression on the mailinglists or IRC either, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Kool? (Score:1)
Inspirational (Score:2)
Re:Inspirational (Score:2)
LyX (Score:5, Insightful)
Well this wasn't Matthias Ettrich's first and only accomplishment. He also gave us the first and only usable frontend to latex [lyx.org].
I (and many other people!) swear by lyx [lyx.org] for their scientific papers. It is absolutely great. Only after this did Matthias Ettrich start KDE.
First he created a GUI for the best OS text processing system, then he went on to create the best GUI for the entire unix OS!
Unlike some other guys (Miguel, Bruce, ...) he did not become a poster child of slashdot kids, but he deserves our gratitude for his great work towards a linux (and BSD) for the end user and on many desktops.
what the KDE team should work on... (Score:2)
Re:what the KDE team should work on... (Score:3, Informative)
Matthias knew KDE was a big thing... (Score:4, Interesting)
Way to go, Matthias. Now, if only that announcement could motivate me to getting round to completing my assignment in time..
Congrats and thanks to KDE (Score:5, Insightful)
The QT libraries continue to evolve nicely, and thanks to Troll for GPL'ing the code.
Konqueror is an excellent browser product, and I consider it to be on par with the excellent Mozilla product.
KOffice is a competitve, well integrated product for people with moderate needs. I haven't had any problems yet I could not solve with KOffice.
KDevelop is the closest thing the Visual Studio on linux.
Other lesser-known product like Qunata, Kate and KXML are starting to show real promise. I would like Kate in particular to really catch fire like Emacs has over the years - its time for an editor that it totally integrated with its visual environment.
Its the integration that keeps me using KDE over GNOME, which I admit may have some stronger individual programs but just isn't stitched together like KDE is. Its amazing that this entire system is free and has source code available. I look forward to the next five years of this fantastic set of products.
Re:Congrats and thanks to KDE (Score:2)
I've been using Kate more and more in the last while. While it has its quirks and a few bugs (which I'll pass on to bugs.kde.org!), it seems to have a feature set that's "compatible" with the way I work.
Of course, it is kind of strange knowing a *person* named Kate, and seeing the menu choices "About Kate" and "Configure Kate"...
Re:Congrats and thanks to KDE (Score:5, Interesting)
This is a lame feature and thank god KDE does not attempt it. There is nothing more moronic than a bunch of people talking to their computers (no offense to Star Trekkers).
If the only thing I can do with this is launch programs, its just a joke.
3) An easy way to script out application action (like AppleScript)
There are about a thousand ways to do this on linux that are better than anything Apple has come up with itself. Perl. Python. Bourne Shell for christs sake. Apple has caught up to linux with scripting, but only on the basis of porting the GNU tools through BSD support.
7) A proper user interface
Well, supposedly Apple had the ultimate UI before OSX, yet they felt the need to scrap it. You can find numerous articles where UI folks and Apple greybeards shit all over OSX's interface.
Personally I like the OSX UI, but its more or less eye candy. Functionally almost nothing has changed that isn't purely cosmetic (and resource hungry).
8) Lots of properly integrated apps
No. KDE has plenty of apps well integrated through KParts. Apple has Classic and Cocoa, and will have these two environments for a VERY VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME. Since few people are working on any Mac code these days, Apple is going to be supporting MacOS9 apps until doomsday. Already Apple users are being humilliated on the shelves at retailers by Windows 98 and soon XP will finish the job.
Sure, there is a lot of distance for KDE to go, but as cool as OSX is, Apple has killed itself on strategy. When your userbase is as low as Apple, doing a total presto changeo on the OS, development tools, and even thr fricking monitor connection is just more motivation for Apple users to buy a PC next time around. I commend the for the Apple store concept, but it won't help at this point.
Re:Congrats and thanks to KDE (Score:4, Interesting)
2) integrated voice activation
3) An easy way to script out application action (like AppleScript)
Uh, it's called dcop.
4) XML for everything, and a VERY organized file structure (This is more of a linux thing).
Why exactly would you want XML for everything? XML is just a buzzword for apple to capitalize on, imho. XML isn't the fastest thing to parse either. Kconfig's key=value is much faster.
5) display pdf (or postscript) which makes making PDFs trvially easy
i heard kprint would have this soon (if it doesn't already). any app that can print could make a pdf (like adobe pdfmaker).
6) for that matter, a 4th generation display engine
sorta, all widgets in qt _are_ objects.
7) A proper user interface (workflow reads like a page, except for tools that you "pick up" from teh bottom/dock)
Not sure what you mean.. but "proper" is a very subjective term.
8) Lots of properly integrated apps
KDE is very integrated. I'd say OSX is much less (Classic).
9) A proper application structure that reduces clutter yet is more powerful than any current structure.
9) A lot of other little things that OSX has in plentitude (miscellaneous coolnesses).
Uhm, with the logic used in your post, I could argue that OSX doesn't have a proper Windows-like taskbar, and MANY other features.
don't add, just tighten (Score:2, Insightful)
I agree that KDE should resist the urge to add too much nonsense. Tighten up what is there. Keep it fast and sexy. Gnome is still slow and bloated. Don't give in to feature creep.
Otherwise, all you've got is winblows on Linux.
Re:don't add, just tighten (Score:4, Interesting)
KDE doesn't start up features unless you actually want to use them, and this is definitely a good thing.
Behind every good GUI... (Score:5, Funny)
From Matthius' original newsgroup post:
"..The idea is to create a GUI for an ENDUSER. Somebody who wants to browse the web with Linux, write some letters and play some nice games.
I really believed that is even yet possible with Linux until I configured my girlfriend's box.
Yes indeed, I would like to thank Matthius and the rest of the KDE team for their enormous contributions to the future of Open Source. But most of all, I'd like to thank the nameless girlfriend who wasn't afraid to complain! (-:
Re:Behind every good GUI... (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, that's (in my experience) not something girlfriends are typically afraid of. ;)
Re:Behind every good GUI... (Score:2, Funny)
This guy's girlfriend has a configurable box? Today blonde and trim, tomorrow dark and bushy. Is there no end to these open source guy's talents???
The international touch (Score:5, Interesting)
Linux - Finland
KDE - Germany
QT - Norway
GNOME - Mexico ( Miguel )
OpenOffice - Germany ( Stardivision )
Mozilla - US
SAMBA - Australia
The Original 1996 USENET Post by Matthias Ettrich (Score:4, Redundant)
Of course there are GUI's. There is the Commond Desktop Environment (much too exensive), Looking Glas (not too expensive but not really the solution), and several free X-Filemanagers that are almost GUI's. Moxfm for example is very well done, but unfortunately it is based on Motif. Anyway, the question is: What is a GUI? What should a GUI be?
First of all, since there are a lot of missunderstandings on this topic, what is NOT a GUI:
IMHO a GUI should offer a complete, graphical environment. It should allow a users to do his everyday tasks with it, like starting applications, reading mail, configuring his desktop, editing some files, delete some files, look at some pictures, etc. All parts must fit together and work together. A nice button with a nice "Editor"-icon is not at all a graphical user environment if it invokes "xterm -e vi". Maybe you have been disappointed long time ago too, when you installed X with a nice window manager, clicked on that beautiful "Help"-Icon ... chrk chrk (the hard disk)...an ugly,
unsuable, weird xman appeared on the desktop :-(
A GUI for endusers
The idea is NOT to create a GUI for the complete UNIX-system or the
System-Administrator. For that purpose the UNIX-CLI with thousands of tools
and scripting languages is much better. The idea is to create a GUI for an
ENDUSER. Somebody who wants to browse the web with Linux, write some letters
and play some nice games.
I really believed that is even yet possible with Linux until I configured my girlfriends Box. Well, I didn't notice anymore that I work with lots of different kind of menues, scrollbars and textwidgets. I already know that some widgets need to be under the mouse when they should get the keyevents, some sliders wants the middle mouse for dragging and some textwidgets only want emacs-bindings and don't understand keys like "pos1" or "end". And selecting some text is different everywere, too. Even the menues and buttons (for exampel Xaw, Fvwm, XForms, Motif) behave completely different.
One word to the Athena-Widgets: Although there are a few nice applications available that uses these "widgets" we should really get rid of them. Thinking that "Athena is a widget-library" is a similar missunderstanding like "X is a GUI". Athena is an very old example how widget libraries could be implemented with Xlib and Xt. It's more or less a online-documentation for Widget-Set-Programmers, but not a tool for application-programmers. Unfortunately, the old Unix problem, a so good online-documentation that people used it for applications.
So one of the major goals is to provide a modern and common look&feel for all the applications. And this is exactly the reason, why this project is different from elder attempts.
Since a few weeks a really great new widget library is available free in source and price for free software development. Check out http://www.troll.no [troll.no]
The stuff is called "Qt" and is really a revolution in programming X. It's an almost complete, fully C++ Widget-library that implementes a slightly improved Motif look and feel, or, switchable during startup, Window95.
The fact that it is done by a company (Troll Tech) is IMO a great advantage. We have the sources and a superb library, they have beta testers. But they also spend their WHOLE TIME in improving the library. They also give great support. That means, Qt is also interesting for commercial applications. A real alternative to the terrible Motif :) But the greatest pro for Qt is the
way how it is programmed. It's really a very easy-to-use powerfull
Qt is also portable, yet to Windows95/NT, but you do not have to worry about that. It's very easy to use UNIX/X specific things in programming, so that porting to NT is hardly possible :-)
I really recommend looking at this library. It has IMO the power to become the leading library for free software development. And it's a way to escape the TCL/TK monsters that try to slow down all our processors and eat up our memory...
It's really time yet to standarize the desktop somewhat. It's nonsense to load 10 different widgets into memory for the same task. Imagine this desktop:
One may argue that a usual UNIX-Box has enough memory to handle all these different kind of widgets. Even if this might be correct, the really annoying thing is, that all these widgets (menus, buttons, scrollbars, etc.) behave slightly different. And this isn't only an academic example, I've really seen such desktops :-}
I know we couldn't get rid of this chaos at once, but my dream is a coexistance between Motif and Qt. The Kool Desktop Environment (KDE) I don't have the time to do this all alone (also since LyX is my main project). But a thing like a Desktop Environment can easily be cut into lots of parts. There is very probably a part for you, too! If you want to learn some X-programming, why not doing a small, neat project for the KDE? If you know others who like to programm something, please prevend them from writing the 1004th tetris games or the 768th minesweeper clone ;-) Think we also
have enough XBiffs yet...
So here is my project list so far. Probably there are even more things to do that would fit great into the KDE. It's a very open project. Panel: The basic application. Run's as FvwmModule (at the beginning). Offers a combination between Windows95 and CDE. I think about a small taskbar at the bottom and a kind of CDE-panel on the top of the screen. The panel has graphical icon menus on the left (similar to GoodStuff) to launch applications, 4 buttons in the middle to switch to other virtual desktops and few icons for often needed applications on the right. There is for example a mail-icon that also indicates new mail, a wastebasket to open the delete-folder (that also indicates when it isn't empty and is capable of drag'n'drop). Maybe a analog clock with date at the very right. Also a nice special icon for exiting the environment or locking the screen. All the stuff is completly configurable via GUI. I'm also thinking about solutions, that only available applications can be installed on the desktop and that new applications appear on the desktop automatically.
I started to work on this panel, but would of course love some help. There are also lot of smaller things to do, like a tool to chose a background pixmap (for each virtual desktop) etc.
Also nice icons are needed!
Filemanager Another major application inside the KDE. The idea is not to create a powerful high-end graphical bash-replacement (like tkdesk tries to be), but a nice looking easy-to-use filemanager for simple tasks. Simple tasks are mainly deleting some files, copying some files, copying some files to floppy disk, starting applications by clicking on a file (for example ghostview for postscript files or xli for gifs, etc).
I'm thinking about nice windows, one for each directory, that shows icons for every file. It should be possible to drag files around (either copy or move), even between different windows. Another important point is the support of the floppy-disk, so that mounting/umounting is done user-transparent.
Dragging of icons should be done in a nice way, that means moving around a special window (see Qt's xshape example), NOT like xfm or xfilemanager by setting another monochrome bitmap for the cursor.
So it will also be possible to put files as icons on the desktop. This is IMO a very nice feature. Since applications are launched by the panel, it's even clear that icons are real data-objects. With fvwm-1 and the FvwmFileMgr it wasn't really clear wether an icon is yet a file or an iconified window.
Drag'n'drop inside a Qt application isn't really difficult. The filemanager is IMO a very nice and not too time consuming project. Who wants?
mail client A really comfortable mailclient. IMO the most comfortable mailclient for X is yet XF-Mail. And the author is willing to port it to Qt when the KDE-project will start! But he asks for some assitance (for example for coding the small popups, etc.)
easy texteditor Very small but important project. An editor that fits the needs of those who have to edit a textfile once in a month and didn't find the time yet to learn vi (and don't have the time to wait for x-emacs to start, and don't have the memory to use a motif-static-nedit, and don't have the cpu-power and memory to use a tk-monster like tkedit,...)
Unfortunatly the Qt multiline-textwidget isn't available in Qt-1.0, but Troll-Tech already announced the beta-testing. So the texteditor can be started in a few weeks, too.
Terminal Similar to the CDE terminal program. A kind of xterm with nice menu bar to set the font, exit, etc. Nice project, get the xterm sources and add a GUI with Qt!
Image viewer The application that will be launced as default from the filemanager for gifs, jpegs and all this. Well, xv is shareware and really needs quite a long time for startup. But there is a plain Xlib programm without any menues or buttons called "xli". Get the sources and make it userfriendly with Qt!
Lots of small other tools:
BTW: There is a Troll Tech Qt-competition (look at their webpages). The best application (not only functionallity, but also design counts. Just porting an existing great application to Qt won't probably be enough :-( )
wins $2000 and a few Qt on NT licenses (worth another $2000). They also
mentioned a browser-project as an example. So a nice HTML-browser in Qt,
ready in Janurary may be worth $4000 (This includes selling the unneeded
NT licenses ;-) )
Window Manager At the beginning, the KDE panel will work as an Fvwm-Module. When this is done, a lot of stuff can be stripped from the bloated fvwm window manager. We don't need anymore fvwm-menus, icon handling and zillions of configurable things. We need a small, realiable windowmanager. So maybe stripping all unncessary stuff from fvwm will make sense in a while. But this may come very last.
System Tools Whatever a user, or you, might need. A graphical passwd comes to my mind. But probably there are a lot more! Maybe this will lead to a small system administration tool someday.
Games We have yet a nice tetris game (an Qt example program). What is needed is a nice set of small games like solitaire (please with nice cards that can be really dragged!). There are several nice card games available for X, for example xpat2. So why not take the cards from them and write a real solitaire games, very similar to MS-Solitaire. I really had to install Wine sometimes just to play solitair, what an overhead! But other games are needed, too. Take xmris, pacman, etc. add a nice GUI. Or write some from scratch. Whatever you want :)
Icons A set of nice icons. 3D-pixmaps are quite a good start (but why should the button be inside a pixmap, if we use a toolkit with buttons???)
Documentation A documentation project is always a good thing to have. But before we should clearify how the hypertext help system should look like. We can then start with documentation pages in the chosen HTML-subset and for example use arean as help browser. Anyway we need some application to document first.
Web-Pages / Ftp Server / Aministration We need a server for the files and webpages that inform about the state of the project. Especially what projects are currently worked on and what projects still wait for somebody to do them. I set up a preliminary homepage on http://www-pu.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/users/et trich [uni-tuebingen.de]
that just contains this posting yet and a few links. I may setup real
webpages for the very beginning but I would be very happy if I could
concentrate on discussion and coding. So if there is someone out there in
the net who likes to design and maintain webpages, here is a job for him :)
Discussion The most important topic :-) If you are interested please
join the mailing list
kde@kde.org [mailto]
Subscribing can be done by sending a mail with in *Body*: subscribe [your email address]
kde-request@kde.org [mailto]
Applications When the KDE gets widely accepted, new (free) applications will hopefully be based on Qt, too, to fit with the comfortable and pleasant look and feel of the desktop.
We may for example port LyX to Qt, so that a comfortable wordprocessor is available. But that is still in discussion in the LyX Team.
A nice vector-orientated drawing tool would also be fine. Well, Xfig is a powerful but ugly monster. But there is "tgif", a very powerful, easy to use but ugly program. The author doesn't like the idea of adding a Qt GUI for the menus, icons and scrollbars, since Qt is C++ and he wants to keep tgif plain C, since on some sites no C++ compiler is available. Well, the KDE doesn't really aim on these old and weird UNIX boxes (also I think a g++ is almost everywhere available). But maybe the tgif-author agrees when somebody else adds a nice GUI to tgif (the sources are free, don't know wether this is GPL). Since tgif yet implements its own GUI this shouldn't be too difficult. It's really easy with Qt to access plain Xlib functionality and functions, so not very much will have to be rewritten. Also C++ makes it very easy to include plain C code.
What about an easy to use, nice newsreader similar to knews? Could also be integrated into the KDE. ... and ... and ... and.
So there is a lot of work (and fun) to do! If you are interested, please join the mailing list. If we get about 20-30 people we could start. And probably before 24th December the net-community will give itself another nice and longtime-needed gift.
The stuff will be distributed under the terms of the GPL.
I admit the whole thing sounds a bit like fantasy. But it is very serious from my side. Everybody I'm talking to in the net would LOVE a somewhat cleaner desktop. Qt is the chance to realize this. So let us join our rare sparetime and just do it!
Hopefully looking foward to lots of followups and replies! Regards,
Matthias Ettrich
(ettrich@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de [mailto])
BTW: Usually these postings get a lot of answers like "Use a Mac if you want a GUI, CLI rules!", "I like thousands of different widgets-libraries on my desktop, if you are too stupid to learn them, you should use windoze", "RAM prices are so low, I only use static motif programs", "You will never succeed, so better stop before the beginning", "Why Qt? I prefer schnurz-purz-widgets with xyz-lisp-shell. GPL! Check it out!", etc. Thanks for not sending these as followup to this posting :-) I know I'm a
BTW2: You might wonder why I'm so against Tk. Well, I don't like the philosophy: Tk's doesn't have a textwidget, for example, but a slow wordprocessor. Same with other widgets. In combination with TCL the programs become slow and ugly (of course there are exceptions). I didn't yet see any application that uses Tk from C++ or C, although an API seems to exist. TCL/TK is very usefull for prototyping. Ideal for example for kernel configuration. And since Tk looks little similar to Motif, the widgets are also quite easy to use. But I really don't like any TCL/Tk application to stay permanantly on the desktop. And Qt is much easier (at least as easy) to program. Check it out!
BTW3: I don't have any connections to Troll Tech, I just like their product (look at the sources: really high quality!) and their kind of marketing: free sourcecode for free software. Original document by Matthias Ettrich [mailto],
HTMLized by Matt McLeod [mailto]
praise and criticism (Score:3, Troll)
KDE has its place in the world--something for people who think Windows is easy to use and want a similar environment for Linux/UNIX. I'm not sure it can compete with Windows, because Windows isn't really about quality, it's about complete, detailed compatibility. But that's for others to decide.
I just hope KDE won't become the predominant Linux/UNIX desktop. In fact, I hope no single desktop will become "predominant" on Linux/UNIX--the strength of Linux/UNIX has been its diversity and flexibility. And I hope the KDE developers are smart enough to realize that they can't produce something that satisfies everybody--that would be the same trap Microsoft has fallen into.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:3, Insightful)
Huh? C++ is the only popular standardized language that supports multi-paradigm, large scale, performant coding. C will always be there but for developing component architectures there are numerous reasons to go with C++.
KDE consumes huge amounts of resources and starts up lots of processes.
Blackbox is nice on starved boxes, but for anyone who has a PIII or higher, KDE sessions are quite useable.
The KDE/Qt licenses (GPL/commercial) restrict my ability
Wasn't QT GPL'd??
KDE is replicating an old paradigm--the Windows desktop; I don't think that's where the industry is going.
Huh? XP, OSX, Win2k, all are polishing up their WIMP interfaces. Even task-oriented systems like the PalmOS are being supplanted by general WIMP interfaces as people demand more functionality.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
Yes, which basically means that I have to use the GPL for any open source software I write based on it--that's too restrictive. I want to let people use my open source software under BSD or LGPL licenses.
Actually, Microsoft and other systems are increasingly going over to browser-like interfaces, and that's likely where the future lies.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
Excluding the obvious logic that browser interfaces are themsevles WIMP, Microsoft has backtracked from this by scaling back Channels and the Active Desktop.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
Qt is dual licensed under the GPL -and- the QPL. You aren't allowed to write any proprietary software using Qt (like you are with the GNU products), but you are allowed to write software licensed under any Open Source license.
Actually, Microsoft and other systems are increasingly going over to browser-like interfaces, and that's likely where the future lies.
Do I have to go to the future, or can I stay here? I've used browser-like interfaces and they suck rocks. It may indeed be the future, but not because human beings wants it, but because the subhuman creatures in marketing will think it's cool.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
If you want applications compiled natively for your processor, then C and C++ are your only realistic options. Every other common programming language is interpreted. Now if there were *standard* native compilers for Python and Java, I would switch in a heartbeat. But I don't see them coming, so I'll stick with C/C++ for now. Semantically, Java is clearly superior. But the real world demands more than semantics.
A lot of KDE just duplicates existing functionality, but using the Qt toolkit and KDE libraries, all in the name of KDE integration.
It's that integration that makes it worthwhile. Konqueror is the best web browser out there, IMO, but it would never exist if the KDE developers decided not to duplicate existing functionality.
Take away KDE and you *STILL* have duplicated functionality. Take away GNOME and Xfce and you *STILL* have duplicated functionality. Take way Windowmaker, Blackbox, IceWM and Enlightenment and you still have two score window managers. Take way joe, jed, vim, and emacs and you *STILL* have two dozen text editors.
What KDE has offered up is a suite of tools, utilities and applications that are integrated with a common look and feel. That's a valuable asset right there.
KDE consumes huge amounts of resources and starts up lots of processes.
The resources aren't that bad at all. If you have a P100 with 16M RAM, then by all means stick with twm and rxvt. Actually, I find that I'm using LESS resources with KDE-2.2.1 than I did with KDE-1.1.2. Why? Because it has Konqueror now so I don't have to load up that behemoth known as Netscape.
The KDE/Qt licenses (GPL/commercial) restrict my ability to create open source software (say, under BSD or LGPL licenses).
Hmmm, I write BSD licensed software that uses Qt. Should I be on the lookout for the police? Is my freedom in jeopardy?
Qt is not licensed GPL/Commercial. It's licensed GPL/QPL/Commercial. That means you can write software with ANY open source license. You only have to pay if you write proprietary software.
KDE is replicating an old paradigm--the Windows desktop
Hah! If anything, KDE is closer to the OS/2 Workplace Shell than the Microsoft Start Button desktop.
I'm not sure it can compete with Windows
Who cares? KDE isn't for the DOS or NT operating systems. It's for Unix operating systems with X11. Different domains. Wanting KDE to compete with Windows is like wanting your Dodge Ram Truck to compete with a Ford Escort.
Re:praise and criticism (Score:2)
sorry, but you don't even get the issues (Score:2)
C++ is very efficient and expressive for "programming in the small": for writing tight inner loops, for writing numerical code, etc. I've been using it for that for about 15 years and continue using it. It's a great language for many problems, and C++, even in cfront days, was never slow if you knew what you were doing.
The problem with C++ comes for programming in the large. C++'s lack of runtime safety means that you often need to use separate processes to isolate components from one another. And C++'s lack of reflection means that programmers often end up duplicating functionality and writing lots of adapter code. I'm not arguing C vs. C++. C is as bad as C++ in these regards.
You will also notice that KDE starts up many processes but that most of those processes are in shared ram (due to the wonderful reused libraries).
I am fully aware of shared memory and shared code. Nevertheless, if you add up all the actual memory used by KDE processes, you still end up with a lot (from memory, 20-30Mbytes for a basic desktop last I checked, but I'm not going to re-install KDE to find out).
Re:sorry, but you don't even get the issues (Score:2)
So you are in essence bitching that C++ isn't Java, but in the same post you bitch about performance and memory consumption.
You cannot reconcile your arguments.
Why don't you tell us what language you would use??? Remember by your own arguments it must be as efficient as C and all the runtime facillities of Java. Good Luck!
Re:sorry, but you don't even get the issues (Score:2)
Actually, in order to be efficient for programming in the large, efficiency for programming in the small doesn't matter that much, since you can still write tight inner loops in C if it is advantageous to do so.
There are lots of possibilities for languages and runtimes: Java, C#, Eiffel, Oberon, Modula-3, ObjectPascal, even Scheme and OCAML.
Re:sorry, but you don't even get the issues (Score:2)
I have a tool for automating this process, its called a compiler.
There are lots of possibilities for languages and runtimes: Java, C#, Eiffel, Oberon, Modula-3, ObjectPascal, even Scheme and OCAML.
Java??? You give up performance (fails your own test). C#? Not mature enough. Eiffel? Maybe, but the compilers are not as mature as C/C++ compilers. Oberon? Are you joking? The rest of the languages you mention are either dead or inapplicable, and you know it.
Re:sorry, but you don't even get the issues (Score:2)
As for C++, which part of my actual argument in the post you replied to don't you understand or disagree with?
KDE status (Score:2)
The 2.x series is much better in terms of usability than was 1.x, but it lacks one major thing that 1.x had: stability. With 2.x, I get occasional (much too frequent) Konqueror crashes and Noatun crashes. 2.x is also a little on the slow side. I'd really like to see it slimmed down and optimized. Of course, now that they're already planning the release of 3.x, maybe the 2.x series will just end up as the interim between the great debut and the greatness that lies ahead in 3.0.
Anyway, happy birthday KDE, you're the greatest of the Unix desktops!
Congrats to the KDE team! (Score:2)
It's amazing what you have achieved in such a short time!
One thing that is still missing is the possibility to configure "everything". To make it even more useful than it already is, it should be possible to configure basically "everything" from the control center. I know this is what the different distro's deliver and there is also the "little" problem that KDE also runs on FreeBSD among others and the differences between the distros. All this makes it more or less impossible (well that's what I've heard/read earlier) to create something like that.
Still the fact remains, it would be nice to have. Instead of having to use YAST in Suse and *Drake tools in Mandrake, etc. it would be nice if it was simply available from the control center - it's the same stuff I want to configure, whether I run Suse, Mandrake, FreeBSD on the box and IMHO it belongs in the KDE Control Center, not as a separate tool. It would make KDE an even more Integrated Desktop
As this seems to be up to the distro's to create such tools, I have a little idea, which probably will never be a reality and maybe it is not even possible (warning: I'm rambling now :) ):
What about creating something that works with a LSB compliant distro and is easy to tailor for each distro maker and even for *BSD, etc. to fit the way the different *nix'es is configured.
Good but not modular enough (KMail) (Score:2, Insightful)
I installed KDE2 for the first time a few weeks ago and I love it. It's a great desktop and everyone who helped in its development deserves thanks. But when I decided that I wanted to upgrade KMail so I could have the new IMAP functionality, I found out that I can't upgrade just KMail. I would have to upgrade my entire KDE2 installation, which is no easy task for those of us who are new to it.
At least I have broadband. Imagine the poor guys on dialup that have to download all of KDE just to upgrade the mail client.
So for now I'm using Balsa [freshmeat.net] which seems to get the job done. But I miss KMail... other than lacking IMAP support, the version I have is great (easy filtering, nice GUI, etc.).
And yes, you could claim that you just need to upgrade the knetwork package. But that requires other ones which require other ones. Following the dependency trail you end up installing the whole KDE system again. Don't you think you should allow upgrades of individual components?
Gripe with Konqueror... (Score:2)
Re:Gripe with Konqueror... (Score:2)
Thank you to KDE as well as Gnome, OpenStep, etc. (Score:2)
That battle was won by X because its source code was free and because it was so well designed. But, that battle forced the state of the art to improve.
Today there are many desktops for UNIX and UNIX-like systems. KDE really led us out of the dark ages (from systems like CDE, shudder), and GNOME, OpenStep, and others continue to make interesting and innovative progress. One day, one of these systems will probably win out, but until then I'd just like to say thank you to all of them. You are pushing the state of the art further forward than most of us could have imagined 10 years ago!
Many will not remember the days of VT100 terminals and UNIX-as-endurance-test work environments. I do, and I'm very grateful!
About "more crap" (Score:2)
I totally agree. What the KDE team needs to do now is rip out the internals and simplify them. There's no reason why something like KDE couldn't run speedily on a P200 with 64MB of RAM if it was properly designed.
I'm not saying KDE sucks any more than anyone would say Linux 2.2's VM sucks. Both were good considerng the experience of the programmers and designers, but they both need(ed) revision. There will probably be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but when it's done, it will be worth it.
Re:The GUI of choice of child molesters (Score:1, Redundant)
Ah, but just like Linux itself, KDE is under the GPL and thus a cancer, so it will continue to spread.
(for completeness, kdelibs is LGPL)
Re:Achievement is relative (Score:2)
Sure they do. I don't know what apps you're using, but I just did a spot check on five fairly important apps: konqueror, kdict, kword, kate, and kmail. All of them had their toolbar buttons had tooltips labeling what they did.
The icon size can be adjusted. All the icons, such as disk types, folders, printing, etc. all make perfect sense to me. They look much like what they represent. Which icons are you specifically talking about?
Um... how exactly do you want to apply Fitt's Law? The mac-style option to have a single menu bar that one can easily reach is in KDE. The main menu that you use, the K menu, is in the bottom left corner of the screen by default. And you can set any mouse button you want to pop up your app menu, further minimizing the distance to that option (I love that feature).
All in all though, the KDE team seems to be less interested in providing a desktop that is optimized towards Fitt's Law than in providing one that people are already comfortable with. That's their decision, and if you don't like it, the options I mentioned are there for you, as is the source for you to hack yourself.
Labels != Tooltips (Score:2)
Labels and tooltips are two different things. Labels are static text that always appears on or around a widget such as a button. Tooltips are text that pop up around the widget when the user keeps the pointer over the object for a second or two. The first interface device, the label, immediately adds greater clarity to the buttons function the second a user looks at the button and the label makes it faster to access because it makes the button bigger. The second UI device, the tooltip, is good when it is used to complement the label and used to give a more detailed description of the buttons function, but used in place of a label forces a user to wait for an unreasonably long amount of time to get the most rudimentry information about the object and it does not improve the access time of the control by making it larger.
As for the point about turning stuff on/off--The more steps you require users to go through to configure something and the more hierarchical menu levels they have to dig through and options they have to browse through the fewer the users will who actually change something, and the more geeky those users will tend to be. The most commonly used options for the greatest percentage of users will be the defaults. It makes more sense to make options which are most usable the default and let it to those who will have more patience and more enthusiam for customization (i.e. geeks) the option to search for how to choose the less usable options.
As for just about about everyone else who replied to my post by the nature of your responses you have proven my point in my first post far better than I ever could.When someone brings up usability problems in the world of Desktop Linux they are met with denial and flames. Bill Gates doesn't have to worry about trying to kill desktop linux; so many people with such attitudes are already doing his work for him.
It's Free Software, Act Accordingly (Score:2)
And on the subject of turning features on and off. Once again, the source is there for you. If you think you can do a better job with it, change it. Just do it. It's not hard to swap in some pixmaps with labels on them. Wouldn't require much at all. Granted, this isn't what most users are supposed to do, but since you are so enlightened (and I agree, making buttons with labels is probably a good thing for the default) then why don't you just do it? They can't stop you, nor would they try to. They may just welcome your work.
Rather than berating people on the nature of the project they create and give away for free, why not actually try and contribute? Offering helpful suggestions is a perfectly acceptable thing to do, granted, but it doesn't guarantee you anything. Do the work. I can't stress that enough. The community thrives on this, and KDE and other projects NEED the help that you can provide. This isn't just in terms of bitching about Fitt's law, it's actually implementing. Go create another default profile with all those settings that you want turned on by default. It's right there on the initial bootup, pick your profile, modify from there.
Seriously, I don't understand your mentality at all. While I do fully understand your feeling that all your insights are met with defensiveness from the community, what I don't understand is this feeling that you can just tell people what to do with their projects and seriously expect them to listen. These people pour their time and energy in to a project that they give away to you, and you just want to stand their and whine about some settings that aren't on by default? Do it yourself. Make the profile. Make your KDE distro. Make your Linux distro. Just do it, but quit bitching. Hell, have you even filed a wishlist bug against this stuff? I don't see any bug filed to get labels in to the buttons.
What I'm trying to get across without sounding too rude is that this not a spectator sport. You play by participating. KDE wants your help, but you've actually got to do something. You have complete power to do what you will with the project (within GPL limits of course) and you should do something with that power. File the bug, or just fix it yourself. That's what the whole idea is, and that's why KDE has made it for 5 years.
Re:Achievement is relative (Score:2)
Unfortunately not by default, but this can be set on a per-toolbar basis (right-click and the menu is pretty self-explanatory), or globally (I believe) in the control panel.
ridiculously small buttons [...] icons that are so small
This can also be configured in the control panel, although it again is neither default nor exceptionally easy to accomplish.
While I don't think your examples are necessarily the best ones, I totally agree that there are some serious usability issues present in KDE. Some of these are the result of heavily borrowing from the MS Windows interface (the multi-level hierarchical Start/K menu and the task bar come to mind). Many other issues, such as menu and dialog inconsistencies, are the result of either flawed standards documents or developers occasionally ignoring them.
I'm not sure what the issues are that are affecting usability improvements in KDE. Hopefully they *are* being resolved, and we'll see some improvements in teh next versions.
Re:Congrats! (Score:2)
I use GNOME but I'm still happy for KDE's accomplishments.
Re:Look at reality (Score:2)
Q & A short session (Score:2)
A: Because
In general, because KDE developers aren't interested in competing with Windows. Their attitude is just to 'make a better KDE'(to paraphrase Linus about Linux), for themselves and their users.
Q: do the issues you have listed improve 'functionality, asthetics, stability and user-friendliness'?
A: They obviously do, for you. They don't, for me. You see, I'm quite minimalist about my GUI nowadays: I don't even use KDE (or GNOME) anymore. I can figure out how to make title bold. I know how to bind keystrokes to my most used applications (so I don't even have to touch the mouse) and I prefer to personalize the menus myself instead of having the computer to do it ( computers are notoriously bad-asses at doing human-related activities).
Anyway, this is just me. But then, what you said is 'just you'. KDE is a success because it has a large user base, and they do not seem disappointed. Neither you nor me belongs to this user base: so, stick with Windows XP (or whatever), while I will stick with my collection of oddly-assorted (but highly functional for me) GUI mini-tools.
Re:KDE Distro (Score:2)
Re:KDE has got all the basics down (Score:2, Informative)
>mappings to launch a terminal when I press C-A->t.
You've not really used KDE then have you - just messed around with it a little.
You use KMenuEdit to assign keys to applications. It uses KHotkeys - which in 2.2.x is unfortunately buggy - as soon as you use Ctrl and Alt keys, it wipes out other keystrokes of the same keys - ie, assigning alt+F1 will produce the same action as pressing F1.
Your example is false. (Score:2)
To start any app (e.g. konsole) with a key, right click on the K button. Choose Personal Preferences. Select the application you want to assign a key to (konsole is in System). Then look at the bottom [Assuming KDE-2.2.1, older verions had a second tab labeled "Advanced"]. Select "change" associated keys. Press your Keys or set the default key (if there is one). Press OK. Done.
About the panel, that used to happen in KDE-2.0 maybe, but not in the KDE-2.2 series. Anyways, just hit ALT+F2 and type "kicker" to regain the panel. Also file a bug report if you can replicate the behaviour.
MPlayer does work with artsd (Score:2)
Mplayer is really cool. I have never got the divx mpeglib to work, too. WOuld be nice to turn mplayer into a noatun module,
Also missing: Agood music DB, that replaces the playlist in noatun. Apart from that noatun is COOOL.
And it was founded by Matthias Ettrich as well! (Score:2)
For this reason lyx still looks like SHIT and is a hard sell, when it could look modern. But the klyx port has not stayed current and is all but abandoned. Hopefully the next lyx version 1.2 will have a working QT2/KDE GUI. (It is in the works.)