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Comment Re:Not Published (Score 1, Informative) 228

> From the summary on slashdot: "I'm gonna bold it for emphasis: Some police departments actually supply the data used in such apps because they reduce the number of drunk drivers on the roads!"
> From the article: "Apps which contain DUI checkpoints that are not published by law enforcement agencies, or encourage and enable drunk driving, will be rejected...."

Yeah, but just because of, like, that, and the fact that it was already discussed to death in today's earlier thread about the same topic - well that wouldn't stop Slashdot from posting another piece of shit fucking flamebait article. Right?

Comment Re:884 APs (Score 1) 154

I find it doubtful there would be such a number that would make sense as a generic rule. First of all, stadiums have thick walls made from cement. Wireless signals don't penetrate at all. You can have two APs next to each other within 10th but separated by a wall and they can't see each other at all. Secondly, the 5GHz spectrum is finally picking up, and with the extra available channels it's good to use more APs at lower power. When you're not cranking up the transit power as high as you can (usually a fairly bad idea in big crowds) you can of course fit more radios in.

Comment Re:884 APs (Score 1) 154

Don't know how hard it is to become a gateway. But it's distributed via unencrypted, public WiFi. The SSID is active at any Starbucks - go to one for a half hour and play with a packet sniffer.

Comment Re:Hey, look! (Score 2) 154

That's not entirely fair, either. You don't have 884 stand alone APs deployed, you have them centrally controlled either via an appliance (Cisco's WLC/WCS) or via cloud based controllers hosted on the APs themselves.

Sure, there's a lot more than Cisco out there, but most gear than can handle balancing power and channel assignments to counter interference for that large a wireless network is a heck of a lot more expensive than a cheap, off the shelf AP. And there are few non-brand manufacturers out there than can handle a deployment that large, though there's a heck of a lot more brands than Cisco.

Comment Re:884 APs (Score 1) 154

If you read the article, "ATT WiFi is everywhere in the building". That is referring to ATT augmenting their 3G network via WiFi. All their WiFi enabled smart phones look for an SSID named attwifi. The layer three gateway of that network triggers the phones to submit their phone number to that gateway, which looks it up in the ATT subscriber database and grants access if you have a data contract with them. That alone will account for many, many thousands of users. Doing that is significantly cheaper for ATT than bringing in a huge number of additional cell sites (which they have to do, anyway, to augment their voice network) and provide a lot of bandwidth to the sites to allow for increased data usage. You can cram a lot of phone calls into not a lot of bandwidth, but if the NFL is running interactive apps on smart phones as outlined in the article it's a lot cheaper to use the existing WiFi network than to temporarily augment the physical infrastructure beyond what is required for increased voice usage.

Add to that the media areas where the press will be using laptops and smart phones, as well as all the VIPs running around demanding network connectivity in some form.

During the game usage possibly won't be all that high. But the hours before and after where there's still plenty of people in the stadium (more than just a few thousand) there'll be quite a lot of users.

Sure, that is just an opinion, but - I know, fallacy of defective induction - I have provided public WiFi at some rather large events, including recent ones. The trend in data usage is clearly going up, and sharply so. The number of clients is increasing fast, and clients are consuming more and more data.

Comment 884 APs (Score 3, Informative) 154

There are 884 APs, not 84 as the summary claims.

84 APs would be pitiful. Cisco recommends no more than 35 users per AP radio. You can probably push that up to 50 for public access WiFi, maybe - if you're thin stretched - a little bit more as long as many clients are 5GHz devices. Given that many APs will be back of the house and not accessible to the public you wouldn't be able to serve more than one to two thousand users on 84.

Comment Re:And Yet, No Ogg Theora in IE (Score 4, Insightful) 535

Anything that increases choice is a good thing.

It's not like there isn't a very well documented interface to IE. Why don't you write an Ogg Theroa plugin for IE, rather than complain that Microsoft wrote something that is both in their interest and useful for users that do want to use h.264 as well as use Chrome?
Or use the VLC media player plugin, which - at least according to the Wikipedia page on Theroa - lets you view that format in IE and Firefox.

Comment What a useless article (Score 4, Informative) 217

"People are deploying firewalls wrong", some company says. "We're not going to say anything other than that", some journalist adds. "Particularly we're not going to mention where and how said company thinks firewalls should be deployed. We're just going to refer to some report they published a few times, but we won't link to it". When asked what the hell kind of point they were trying to make the journalist hummed and hawed a few times before admitting that he wasn't entirely sure. "Firewalls can be bottlenecks when experiencing DDoS attacks", the company's solutions architect insisted, making a rather obvious point.

Comment Re:Economic Collapse due to Class War (Score 2) 386

But that isn't all you ask of your government - in that demand is implicit that not only it be somehow feasible that you go from poor to rich, but also that it be feasible on a reasonable scale. Otherwise your condition could be fulfilled by only one out of all Americans in a generation being able to make that leap, which is a position that strikes me as unreasonable.

Few people in America are actually asking for everyone to make the same, and for the government to redistribute wealth in that fashion. They're just asking that it be easier for a poor person to make the leap to rich when investing an adequate amount of effort to do so.

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