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Comment Re:Report + Judgment (Score 2) 174

Not only accessing database without cause, but if they were federal databases or cost the county money (credit ratings), that could be malfeasance in office. Accessing a federal database illegally, cause for federal felony charges. It's about time this privacy issue come the front. Government officials have a too cavalry opinion of themselves. More need to be in jail. I wonder if their databases have access logs along with a case number the access was authorized by. If not that would be a good start to keeping police officer's noses clean.

Comment Cloud mount! (Score 1) 190

Well, interface wise I don't see that much difference. I use a desktop with 1280x1080 and a laptop with what 13xx by what ever. The point is a little less bling with respect to toolbars is just great. I Never use a toolbar. I go right to the menus. So wasted space. There are, at least four ways to save a file. Really? four ways. File/Save, clt-s, a curious icon at the bottom of the application and in the toolbar. Four. Over fu*king kill. The ability to cloud mount! YES! I'm OK with Google's online editor. But that also means I have to be proficient in two editors. But this also means I can store my files on google drive and drop my git backup system, moving files from desktop to laptop and back. It's not difficult, but now, not needed as I always have a wifi or G3 connect. So for the first time, I'm donating to Libreoffice! $50 US. Easily the best money, besides contributing to Bernie Sanders, that I have spent this year.

Comment Re:Affects about 1 000 000 viewers in Norway too (Score 1) 164

Wow. I dropped all TV support three years ago and haven't missed it. More, not spending $1400 a year for a few hours of programing I didn't feel much about ... what a wonder! Dropped the landline too in favor of a low cost cell carrier and local DSL. Verizon and Dish are now history. My bills are way down.

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