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Comment Re:How long will the company stay up? (Score 1) 494

VW probably will end up paying out several thousand dollars to each affected VW owner, but of course that hurts the VW employees and shareholders, it does not actually hurt the people who did this.

That is the key problem with all this clamoring, it want to punish the innocent and let the guilty go free.

You seem to see this a some sort of rogue element within VW. While that may be true, I think it's more likely that it is just a refection of the way the company operates, and their desperation to gain a fresh foothold in the US market.

Comment Re:How long will the company stay up? (Score 1) 494

You need to find the people who actually did this, and punish them, not the millions of employees of a huge corporation who had no idea it was going on.

Given that the current "thinking" is that corporations are people, then the employees and shareholders are nothing more than some sort of symbiote that live off of the corporate host. The host needs to feel pain, or it will do it again.

Lots of car companies have had coverups about design flaws, but I can't remember another auto industry case of outright fraud like this one.

I expect there to be a variety of class action suits. I expect the US government to at least try and recoup the amount given out in tax credits, based on VW's supposed "green" status with their TDI engine. I imagine this will play out in every country that has any sort of emission laws.

Comment Re:Recycling Personalities (Score 1) 448

The Bush tax cuts have been continued by the Obama administration because they were judged to be a sound method of stimulating the economy.

No, they haven't been so judged.

They were continued as part of a brokered budget deal. The Democratic house & senate didn't particularly like it, but it was the best compromise on the table at the time.

Comment Yay! Car Analogy! (Score 1) 723

"Except I can CHOOSE to not own a car, and I don't need insurance at that point.
Call me when I can CHOOSE to not carry health insurance."

That's not quite an accurate analog (although partial points for continuing the car analogy.)
More accurate is "I can CHOOSE not to live, and I don't need insurance at that point."

Comment Re:What a surprise (Score 3, Interesting) 248

"I mean, who would have thought in the mid-00s that the smart device would become the pre-eminent consumer computing platform in less than a decade?"

You mean other than Apple and the other people who helped make it happen?

Microsoft's problem moving off of the desktop has always been that they want a very similar experience on the desk and in the hand. This was a bad idea when they tried to emulate the Windows experience in WinCE, and is a bad idea going the other direction with Metro.

Comment Re:Not a great value, in my opinion (Score 1) 501

Or Apple's mistaken focus on OpenCL over CUDA. Unfortunately, Apple have not indicated that they will remedy the problem.

Well, Apple is pushing an open API that will run on lots of hardware, while nvidia is pushing an API tied to their hardware. I think everyone would benefit with a widely supported open API.

Comment Re:It's pretty neat (Score 1) 501

Yes, but having "your CAD software [..] be updated to take advantage of that specific hardware" mostly means writing things to use parallel cores, and to leverage the graphics processors through OpenCL (and OpenGL, for the graphics-specific stuff.) This is stuff that a software author would want to do to help future-proof their code, in general, I think.

Comment Re:Analog (Score 2) 154

This was my immediate reaction, as well. Analog computers do some things extremely well, and faster than could be done digitally. Absolute accuracy may not be possible, but plenty-good-enough accuracy is achievable for a lot of different types of problems. Back in the 1970s I worked for a small company as their chief digital/software guy. The owner of the company was wizard at analog electronics, and instilled in me a solid respect about what can be done with analog computing.

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