Comment Can't melt steel beams (Score 1) 117
2 megawatts can't melt steel beams.
2 megawatts can't melt steel beams.
I doðY(TM)
In other words that's about twice as expensive as $20 for 2GB that I pay to my cell phone company.
Your calculation is wrong, but even if your calculation was right, it would certainly not be the case. People don't use up to their limit all the time. $20 for 2GB, $10 for 1GB or $5 for 500MB or $1 for 100MB are certainly not the same plan. I would be super happy to have a $1 for 100MB, pretty upset with $10 for 1GB and feel ripped off with $100 for 10GB.
I was searching for such a laptop for a while and I am finally happy with my ASUS Transformer. It's something like a Mac without OS X (meaning: everything works out of the box: Video acceleration, power management, sound, wlan, whatever). Android isn't Linux but you can chroot a debian installation in there and have all the debian packages you want (heck I did even do embedded hardware development on there, msp-gcc works!). The screen is high-resolution enough so I can VNC to my computer whenever I want.
The battery is ridiculous. 16 hours. No heat as far as I know.They are trying to get a native Debian/Ubuntu on it but I don't know how far it went As far as I'm converned I'm totally happy with the chroot environment though.
Note that in order tochroot a deabian installation you need root access, but not all Transforers are rootable. Older ones do, newer ones don't.
-- Sent from my eee Transformer.
Excuse me but the announcement says that what is being released is not the AOSP, it doesn't say that they are not going to release the AOSP.
However, if that turns out to be the case, then I will seriously reconsider using and recommending my friends to use Android.
They haven't learned the lesson from Flock, have they?
I just want a goddamn browser, without any of the facebook twitter buttons and toolbars and shit. When I want to update my facebook status, I will get there.
If you have more than 20 icons, you will find this useful.
As a person who had to teach myself, had to deal with a broken higher education system in my country (Vietnam) and is currently attending a university in the U.S, I agree with you. There are more than just what is taught in the course, for example the professors, the atmosphere, the connections with other students, and courses that you don't even know that you need -- they can only be found when one attends college. IMHO colleges do a better job with teaching general concepts such as physics, philosophy, art; and online materials do better job teaching specific subjects (especially in Computer Science) -- one can go very deep on a subject matter that they finds interesting. Good thing is online materials and colleges are not mutually exclusive: One can have both. I still learn from online materials everyday.
That said, I always think that I'm extremely lucky to be able to attend and afford college in the U.S. For people those do not have money (students in third world countries), sure online materials cannot deliver the experiences of MIT, but they are still way better than listening to crap they have to listen to everyday (in most colleges).
Bill's statement might not hold water for colleges in the US but it's already true in many parts of the world.
You should consider creating a samba share. If you don't have a server a NAS appliance or a el heapo old PC would handle the job very well.
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy songs,
But she just smiled and turned away.
I went down to the music store
Where I'd heard the music years before,
But the man there said the music wouldn't play.
And in the streets: the children screamed,
The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed.
But not a word was spoken;
The church bells all were broken.
And the three men I admire most:
The father, son, and the holy ghost,
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died.
And they were singing,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "this'll be the day that I die.
"this'll be the day that I die."
There is no alternative platform, despite what others may say about Android, it's immature and their app store(s) are a wild west nightmare. It really is Apple's way or the highway...
There is no alternative girl. Although as of lately, she dumped me and fucked my ass, she is the only one. It really is my ex-girlfriend, or the highway.
Yeah, well, that's just like... your opinion, man. You have every right to live in the fucking past.
If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley