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Comment Happy with NewsBlur (Score 4, Informative) 335

I have been very happy with NewsBlur as my Reader replacement. I am now 100% switched over. I use it to read nearly 1500 feeds and performance is great. They have clients for iOS and Android and FeedMe is a decent third party Windows Phone client. For the amount of time I spend each week in feeds, I am happy to pay $20 per year for a premium NewsBlur account.

Submission + - HDTV Has Ruined the LCD Display Market (

alvin67 writes: Microsoft Evangelist, Pete Brown rants about the lack of pixels available in today's LCD screens:

Ok, that's it. I've had it. I want my pixels, damn-it!

For a while, screen resolution has been going up on our desktop displays. The trend was good, as I've always wanted the largest monitor with the highest DPI that I could afford. I mean, I used to have one of the first hulking 17" CRTs on my desk. I later upgraded to a 21" inch job that was so huge, that if you didn't stick it in a corner, it took up the whole desk. It was flat-panel, though and full of pixels. It cost me around $1100 at the time.

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