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Comment Re:The utter illogic of TFA (Score 1) 757

Two problems -- lack of business leadership in engineering fields, and lack of US grads in Engineering.

You could easily double pool available in both areas by simply treating women more equitably.

Women are better business leaders, and yet are actively excluded by the VCs.

Women engineers are treated to exactly the kind of asshole misogynistic remark you just made on a daily basis.

Comment The utter illogic of TFA (Score 1, Insightful) 757

From TFA: "Already, 70% of engineers with PhD’s who graduate from U.S. universities are foreign-born. Increasingly, these talented individuals are not staying in the U.S – instead, they’re returning home, where they find greater opportunities.

Part of the problem is the lack of priority U.S. parents place on core education. But there are also problems inherent in our public education system. We simply don’t have enough qualified math and science teachers. Many of those teaching math and science have never taken a university-level course in those subjects."

Um. If the jobs aren't there for US grads, it's the fault of their parents and teachers? Logic much? Seems like a rational choice to avoid areas where there's not a lot of work on.

Why not look at how entrepreneurs are funded -- by VCs who fund almost exclusively men, even though businesses started by and run by women are twice as likely to succeed.

Why not look at the gross discrimination against women in engineering, science and mathematics at all levels -- we could easily double the pool of US engineering talent by simply developing more objective measures of success, or at least heeding them where available.

Comment Re:First impressions of weak ad hom teabagging (Score 1) 705


"The campaign to regulate the Internet was funded by a who's who of left-liberal foundations."..."(They are the Pew Charitable Trusts, Bill Moyers's Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, the Joyce Foundation, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.)"

you know, the same people that fund the Evil Crazy Scary Commie Socialist Dirty Hippie Kids Show uh...what was the name of that again?


Comment Re:Programming is skilled labor and should unioniz (Score 1) 735

Well, you'd be more fun to talk to if you'd stop insinuating that any union talk must mean I'm a bad programmer or poorly educated. I am neither.

But of course, you're starting to struggle with the substance of the argument, so you start attacking the person. Fox news much?

Anyway, here is how it works with the classes. First off, you're an apprentice for five years before they set you loose on a job on your own. You have some work (for a lot less money than a journeyman) and some classes -- for free.

Now this "someone has to pay for it" is absolutely true. Union dues might seem like a burden to someone on salary -- but think of the contractor.

How much does that contracting outfit get? Much more than your union dues. When I was fresh out of grad school, I got thirty-five bucks an hour, and that was back in the early 90's.

But the contracting outfit got more than three times that -- for doing sweet fuck-all. That's right, they were charging the company like 125 an hour and giving me 35. Hey it was twice what I was making as a post-doc, what did I know? Fresh out of school.

Now, say you took what the contracting outfit was getting off of your labor -- and split it three ways: you, the union and business.

The business gets a better deal. You get more money. And the other third goes into your dues which in turn goes straight into benefits, training, unemployment insurance and a defined pension plan.

Now think of the person on salary. If he or she joins the union, the benefits are managed by the union, not the business. Here, you and the business might break even if that money the business had to spend on benefits were going to the union instead.

You could say that this would be a case for going solo on a 1099, but the fly in that ointment is health benefits -- with a union you're part of a group with massive bargaining power. On your own, you're can take care of yourself, can you? How's that individual health plan workin for ya?

Comment Re:Programming is skilled labor and should unioniz (Score 1) 735

Oh, no, I HAVE a 401K.

Compared to the defined benefits plan my dad had with his union, 401k plans stink to high heaven.

Now you go look up what a "Defined Benefits Pension Plan" is. You don't even know, do you?

You'll NEVER get one. You'll have all your money in the stock market in your 401K and it will TANK the day before you are eligible to retire. Right after your house suddenly becomes worthless -- again. Right after your fabulous republicrat gubmint has "privatized" Medicare and Social Security out from under you, and that's disappeared as well.

Good luck.

Comment Re:Programming is skilled labor and should unioniz (Score 1) 735

Well trained people that produce a good product at a fair price, and can be properly supervised because they're on-site? Yes, a union that provides this would definitely help keep companies from going broke.

What happens to tech businesses now is they get all kinds of snake-oil coming at them from all directions, and they solve the same problem at least three times while circling the drain.

The only ones that even survive their first round are the ones where the people in charge are themselves programmers and can smell the bullshit a mile away.

As soon as the money men and the managers take over, the company circles the drain a few times with first massive staff turnover, then attempted outsourcing, then re-in-sourcing with way overpriced contractors to get enough lipstick on the pig to flog it.

We've all seen it. I've even shamelessly benefited from it. Though the contracting outfits that do the re-in-sourcing and take a *huge* cut benefit a whole lot more without doing jack. Quite frankly, I'd rather see that cut going to the AFL-CIO or even the Teamsters or the UAW than to whoever it is that owns TekSystems, Addecco, or any number of other body shops out there.

Oh, and my undergraduate degree is from Cornell.

Home of the NYS School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Except my degree was from the Engineering school. I spent a lot of time with ILRs, because my father was a union man, so we had some basis of communication.

Of course, I suppose it's better to get your education on how unions work from FOX news than from being close friends with ILR students at Cornell, or by direct experience with the unions themselves.

Comment And he needs a computer to do it for curves (Score 3, Interesting) 473

While boat-builders use Simpson's rule on hull surfaces to estimate the displacement...with a slide rule and a sharp pencil.

Oh, but they're trained in Union apprenticeship programs and so could not *possibly* be as bright or talented or well-trained as a Doctor who went to University. And see? This Doctor has a publication! He must deserve 10X the salary of a boat builder.

Comment Re:Programming is skilled labor and should unioniz (Score 1) 735

Oh it *is* legal and ethical to explain a value proposition in the course of a negotiation.

This makes people "criminals and scum"? What, because they represent the interests of people with dirt under their fingernails? People who do actual work?

Now, I'm sure you don't put your money in a bank either, or take out a mortgage, or invest in the stock market through your 401K -- because last I checked, *those* people were the real criminals and scum.

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