Comment Re:This sounds familiar... (Score 1) 378
When you design your interface in such an annoying manner that it creates emotional pain, it becomes ingrained in the victims memory and the experience never goes away - and then you win! You win, Gnome! Win!
I felt the pain from the very first release, and after awhile, the only time I spent in Gnome was trying to figure out where Redhat had hidden the desktop switcher... this time. I could never understand why they would make THAT fugly, buggy, cartoonish and damn near unusable GUI (that managed to incorporate a Windows-like registry for settings, for gods sake) the default, with crud for other options.
Sorry, not meaning to troll, but I have ALWAYS loathed Gnome, all versions.
One of the main reasons I grew away from Redhat many, many moons ago.
So much for internet polls, eh? The sheeple rule.