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Comment Good Idea on the Surface... Problems underneath (Score 1) 486

While it sounds like a great way to save the NHS money by getting people to become healthier problems will arise in practice.

Anybody who smokes and doesn't want to quit can simply resume smoking after the test... Just like how drug addicts who are forced into detox usually return to using after they are released.

With obese patients the idea is even worse because if they simply diet to lose the weight they will end up losing a combination of fat and muscle, which lowers their metabolism. After surgery if they then return to the bad habits that made them obese in the first place they will gain all the weight back and probably some additional... Your just perpetuating a cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Dealing with addiction and obesity is not easy... To be effective the person has to want to change, forcing them simply won't have the long term effects you want.

Comment Re:Okay, this is getting ridiculous (Score 1) 129

There is! The car you are looking for is called a Used Car and as an added bonus it is significantly cheaper than any new car on the market! Even better is with the money you save you can not only purchase a full set of tools to maintain and repair the car, so you won't need to take it to an overpriced mechanic!

Hardware Hacking

Where To Start In DIY Electronics? 301

pyrosine writes "I've been thinking about this for a while and have no idea where to start. I have little or no previous experience in electronics — just what is covered in GCSE physics (wiring a plug and resistors — not much, I know). The majority of my interest lies in the wireless communication side of the field — i.e. ham radios and CB — but I am also interested in how many things work, one example being speakers, simply to better understand it. I would preferably like to start with some form of practical guide rather than learning the theory first, but where I would find such a walkthrough eludes me."

Comment Professional Photographers Method (Score 1) 485

Well as a photographer shooting weddings I generally carry 8 SD cards on me at any given time. When I load them into my SD case I put them all label up to signify that they are empty and ready to go. As I go through cars during the course of a day I put my spent cards back into the case label down to signify that they are no longer empty and need to be downloaded to the computer.

Most of my colleagues use the same method with their SD or compact flash cards.


Submission + - HMV Canada Cut's music CD prices because of piracy 1

umStefa writes: For the last few years the music industry has claimed that reduced CD sales are the result of piracy, while slashdotters have constantly defended piracy on the grounds that main stream music was overpriced. Well know the largest music retailer in Canada has gone and cut their prices on CD's to try and increase sales (CBC article). If successful could this spur music stores in other countries to reduce their prices? and could it have an effect on piracy rates? or is this simply a move destined to fail (by not increasing CD sales), thereby giving the music industry ammunition to get governments to pass legislation that will support their outdated business model. Only time will tell.

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