Comment Good Idea on the Surface... Problems underneath (Score 1) 486
While it sounds like a great way to save the NHS money by getting people to become healthier problems will arise in practice.
Anybody who smokes and doesn't want to quit can simply resume smoking after the test... Just like how drug addicts who are forced into detox usually return to using after they are released.
With obese patients the idea is even worse because if they simply diet to lose the weight they will end up losing a combination of fat and muscle, which lowers their metabolism. After surgery if they then return to the bad habits that made them obese in the first place they will gain all the weight back and probably some additional... Your just perpetuating a cycle of yo-yo dieting.
Dealing with addiction and obesity is not easy... To be effective the person has to want to change, forcing them simply won't have the long term effects you want.