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Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 2) 138

The CEO's recent statements only reiterated something that everyone already knew, which was if an American company will happily fold to the Indian government you can be damn certain they are already well and truly in bed with their own. .

BlackBerry Limited (formerly RIM) is a Canadian company. Apparently, they will fold to nearly any government.

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 1) 258

Good idea, Michael. I've just started looking at some daish sites and it does look like there's fun to be had. Unfortunately, too many posts are in what I assume is Arabic, which I don't speak. Although I have no fear of sacrilege, my trolling of conservative christian boards is more to troll the radical-right wingers than the fundamentalist christians. It is of course, difficult to hit one without hitting the other. I'm talking about the people that blame their problems on Obama while at the same time saying there is a lack of personal responsibility.

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 2) 258

I'll give the peanut butter idea a try - I do like a good pb cookie.

I was 46 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 and had no family history. It is very likely that the cancer had been there for a few years, masked by copious amounts of Makers Mark Kentucky Bourbon. Had I bothered to get annual checks starting at age 40, it is very probably that I would have caught the cancer early enough to defeat it. Too fucking late now. But, hey - thanks for the pb idea. It sounds like your process is about the same as what I use for infusing regular butter.

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 1) 258

... you no-name sack of shit?

So says the Anonymous Coward. But, thanks for the chuckles - your attempts at trolling, while admirable, fail miserably. Since I am, in fact, using my real name, you should have said something like "colostomy-bag short-timer" rather than the obviously incorrect "no-name". Trolling takes practice, and to be truly successful, requires a better grasp of language than you have exhibited. As well, the very fact that you bothered to reply belies your professed lack of concern. But, as always, Thanks for Playing.

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 3, Informative) 258

In order for my neighbors to be in range of hearing my music, they have to be on my property. So, I seriously doubt that I am ruining anyones life. Also, my neighbors are all very cool folk and are very likely to come on to my property so that they can hear my music.

I have said that I wouldn't wish chemo upon my worst enemy. Your ignorant assumptions and hate filled rhetoric give me cause to reconsider.

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 1) 258

Thanks for the advice! I've had my wife make cannabis infused butter and I have used it in certain foods - its a pretty strong flavor and, to be honest, ruins a good blueberry muffin. As cliche as it may sound, I does work well in brownies with a high chocolate content using 99% cacao chocolate. Simply substitute some of the butter with the cannabis infused butter - the amount varies depending on the potency of your source. Here's my recipe:

Comment Re:Brave polling, but in real life? (Score 5, Interesting) 258

I've been fighting stage IV colon cancer (yeah, shitty disease right?) with mets in my lungs for four years now. Standard chemo has stopped working so I probably have about another year left unless I can get results from new immunotherapy trials. So, of course I answered "from my cold, dead fingers". I can't feel anything with them anyway thanks to peripheral neuropathy caused by the chemo drug oxaliplatin. Let them threaten me. That would go over so well in the press. This whole experience has left me prone to speak my mind, smoke my weed (well, vaporize - can't handle smoke), play my music loud, and troll conservative christian boards for fun. Sweet, Zombie Jesus! Want my passwords? Go to hell you bunch of jack-booted thugs.

Comment Re:Untangle (Score 1) 238

Probably not an issue for 99.99% of the population, but last time I checked, Untangle does not support IPv6 and has no plans on doing so. Also, Most of the interesting modules require a monthly subscription. I ran Untangle as a vm on an vsphere 5 hypervisor for a couple of years and it did the job ok. However, it is a cpu and memory hog which is surprising for being a firewall/security appliance. And probably the most annoying is the horrible user interface. They tried to make it look like a rack which is just silly. You'd be better off getting a Zyxell Zywall USG and mounting it in a real rack.

Comment Zyxel Zywall USG line (Score 1) 238

Since your question was not clear as to whether you wanted to connect to a vpn for outgoing traffic encryption, or to provide secure access to your home network, I will assume that you want both. I've got a zyxel usg50 at home and a usg100 at my office and they have been able to handle everything I have thrown at them. I was also pleased that when the whole Heartbleed fiasco appeared, the zywall firmware was not vulnerable at all. Dual WAN connections are supported which lets me use both my AT&T Uverse and Charter Cable internet access with load balancing. The only negative that I can note are the several features on the zywall that require monthly subscriptions. But, since I don't use those, there is no loss to me.

In the past, I have built my own firewalls either on dedicated hardware, or as a vm on an esxi hypervisor, from Linux ipchains to netfilter to BSD pfSense. While I love to roll my own, having such a critical piece of infrastructure as dedicated hardware has made life much easier.

Comment Re: Duh. (Score 2) 235

I guess everybody has their own communication priority level classification system. Of couse any arbitrarily detailed list could be made, so here's mine:
1) email is the preferred base
2) IM - critical yet tolerant to high latency.
3) Phone - emergencies, or other rare events that require full-duplex
4) Knock at door - what have my kids done now?

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