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Comment Pentium Pro (Score 1) 622

My Gateway / Webserver / Fileserver is a Dual Pentium Pro running FreeBSD. I recently bought another of these machines (Compaq Proliant 2500r) for spare parts, because the voltage converter (VRM Modul Spare Part 225529-001) gave up. Again.

I have no clue how old these systems are, but they sure look old. And big.

I'll probably replace it with something more powerful, this year. Like a EeePC 700 or so...

Comment Re:Where do they store 4.5TB off site (Score 1) 235

could someone with experiance in such matters shed a little insight into the logistics of backing up such a vast system

The secrets of backups in a datacenter that big is: You don't. Backup, that is.

A simple calulation shows, that a full backup would basically never end, and incremental backups only help you if you if you had something to increment from. And a restore would never end as well.

Instead you make damn sure, you have redundancy in everything. DRBD is your friend. RAID controllers are, too.

If you have the money, integrate with the big ones (EMC, HP, SUN). If you don't, use a clever solution (Caringo).


Submission + - The Dark Side of Iapetus 1

Hugh Pickens writes: "The difference in coloring between Iapetus' leading and trailing hemispheres is striking. NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs has just released a report on a bizarre "runaway" process that may explain the strange and dramatically two-toned appearance recently revealed in images collected during a close flyby by the Cassini spacecraft. Scientists believe that initially dark material on one side of Iapetus may have come from other moons orbiting Saturn in the opposite direction. Since Iapetus is locked in synchronous rotation about Saturn, as dusty material from the outer moons spiraled in and hit Iapetus head-on, the forward-facing side began to look different. Once the forward side began to darken, it absorbed more sunlight, its surface water evaporated, and vapor was transported from the dark side to the white side of Iapetus. Thermal segregation then proceeded in a runaway process as the the dark side lost its surface ice and got darker."

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