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Re: Ministry of Truth  *Wednesday July 29, 2020 @05:03AM  2
   attached to Twitter Temporarily Limits Donald Trump Jr.'s Account
Re:France..  *Saturday July 04, 2020 @10:36AM 1 5, Informative
   attached to Germany is First Major Economy To Phase Out Coal and Nuclear
Re:Why would anyone want a console?  *Sunday May 31, 2020 @08:34PM  2
Re:Why would anyone want a console?  *Sunday May 31, 2020 @08:30PM 1 2
   attached to Your next gaming console is?
the end result is not fixed  *Friday May 01, 2020 @01:03PM  2
   attached to WHO Lauds Lockdown-Ignoring Sweden As a 'Model' For Countries Going Forward
Re:C#  *Thursday April 16, 2020 @12:04AM  2
   attached to TIOBE Suddenly Ranks 'Scratch' as the 20th Most Popular Programming Language
Just like Microsoft  *Friday July 20, 2018 @03:33PM 3 3, Insightful
   attached to What do you think of the EU decision to fine Google $5 billion?
Re:A Simple Explanation  *Saturday June 30, 2018 @02:59PM  2
Re:A Simple Explanation  *Saturday June 30, 2018 @08:47AM 1 2
   attached to Study Suggests There's No Limit On Longevity
Re:Tools aren't good or bad.  *Monday January 01, 2018 @12:42PM 1 2
Re:Tools aren't good or bad.  *Monday January 01, 2018 @07:28AM 3 2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Has Technology Created A Monster?
Re: No.  *Sunday December 24, 2017 @12:39PM  2
Re: OR Maybe...just maybe  *Sunday December 24, 2017 @10:42AM 1 2
Re: No.  *Sunday December 24, 2017 @08:31AM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Could 2018 Be The Year of the Linux Desktop?
Terminal  *Sunday June 18, 2017 @08:26PM  2
   attached to Should "smartphones" be renamed? If so, they should be called:
Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem  *Saturday September 06, 2014 @08:23PM 1 2
Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem  *Saturday September 06, 2014 @10:04AM  2
Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem  *Saturday September 06, 2014 @09:57AM 1 2
Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem  *Saturday September 06, 2014 @09:42AM 1 4, Interesting
Re:bringing in more H1Bs will solve this problem  *Saturday September 06, 2014 @06:03AM 3 3, Insightful
   attached to IT Job Hiring Slumps
Re:If you *lourve* your job ...  *Sunday August 03, 2014 @07:43AM  2
   attached to If You're Always Working, You're Never Working Well
Disappointing.  *Sunday July 27, 2014 @09:48AM  2
   attached to Greenpeace: Amazon Fire Burns More Coal and Gas Than It Should
Re:We were warned  *Monday March 03, 2014 @11:01PM  2
   attached to Scientists Revive a Giant 30,000 Year Old Virus From Ice
Re:Oracle and Java What the hell happened?  *Saturday January 11, 2014 @08:31AM 1 2
   attached to Oracle Promises Patches Next Week For 36 Exploits In Latest Java

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
