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Re: I'm On a Boat!  *Friday March 31, 2017 @02:46PM 1 2
   attached to SpaceX Makes Aerospace History With Successful Launch, Landing of a Used Rocket
Re:See, this application actually makes some sense  *Friday February 10, 2017 @12:44PM  2
Re:See, this application actually makes some sense  *Friday February 10, 2017 @12:40PM 1 2
   attached to Watchdog Group Wants Uber's Self-Driving Trucks Off the Road
Re:I've never been able to wrap my head around thi  *Sunday December 25, 2016 @01:31AM  2
   attached to Are Airlines Intentionally Overbooking Their Flights?
Re:stupid and too late  *Wednesday November 23, 2016 @04:43PM  3
   attached to US Regulators Seek To Reduce Road Deaths With Smartphone 'Driving Mode'
Re:Air into water  *Monday October 24, 2016 @04:29PM 5 3
   attached to XPrize's New Challenge: Turn Air Into Water, Make More Than a Million Dollars
Re:A better idea  *Tuesday November 10, 2015 @07:13PM  3
   attached to How Outsourcing Companies Are Gaming the H-1B Visa System
Re:Massive Economic Benefits = Going to Happen Fas  *Thursday October 29, 2015 @10:30AM 3 5, Interesting
   attached to How Tesla's Autopilot and Google's Car Are Entirely Different Animals
I never bothered with ad blockers until ...  *Thursday October 01, 2015 @03:55PM 4 5, Informative
   attached to We Asked Doc Searls: Do Ad Blockers Cause Cancer? (Video)
Re:That's not a bomb, it's a clock!  *Wednesday September 16, 2015 @06:50PM 1 3
   attached to Obama Invites Texas Teen To White House After "Bomb" Clock Incident At School
Re:The colorful packaging is a valid concern  *Sunday April 05, 2015 @06:00PM  2
   attached to Powdered Alcohol Banned In Six States
Re:bah  *Friday April 03, 2015 @08:21PM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Ask Slashdot: What Makes a Good Work Environment For Developers and IT?
Re:Why Netflix ?  *Thursday April 02, 2015 @07:20PM  2
   attached to 9th Circuit Rules Netflix Isn't Subject To Disability Law
Re:The problem is not that it's a one-way mission  *Monday March 16, 2015 @06:22PM 2 3
   attached to A Mars One Finalist Speaks Out On the "Dangerously Flawed" Project
Re:Yes. What do you lose? But talk to lawyer first  *Thursday March 05, 2015 @07:19PM 6 5, Informative
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Should I Let My Kids Become American Citizens?
Re:OMNI  *Friday February 20, 2015 @12:09PM  2
   attached to The Science of a Bottomless Pit
Re:Free?  *Thursday January 08, 2015 @11:44PM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to Obama Proposes 2 Years of Free Community College
Re:  *Friday January 02, 2015 @11:07PM 3 3
   attached to How Civilizations Can Spread Across a Galaxy
Re:No  *Friday December 05, 2014 @06:07PM 6 2
   attached to Should IT Professionals Be Exempt From Overtime Regulations?
Re:nope  *Thursday December 04, 2014 @12:43AM  2
   attached to Android Policy For Nexus and Google Play Devices Updated To Excuse Carrier Delay
Re:Robot factories  *Friday October 31, 2014 @04:58PM 2 1
   attached to Colleges Face New 'Gainful Employment' Regulations For Student Loans
Re:"Finds Fault" is faulty reporting   *Thursday October 09, 2014 @04:52PM  3
Re:Practice colony in Antarctica first?  *Thursday October 09, 2014 @04:45PM 1 2
   attached to MIT Study Finds Fault With Mars One Colony Concept
HAL 9000  *Saturday September 13, 2014 @11:50AM 2 5, Funny
   attached to The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
