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Comment Buggy .. (Score 1) 729

I upgraded to 11.04 and when the system rebooted, Apt stopped working, I get a Hash Sum mismatch error when I try to get packages or even running apt-get update. Went back to 10.10 by doing a fresh install...

Comment Re:This article is boss (Score 3, Funny) 167

Huge iPhone like device. Not something you want to hold up to your ear, bluetooth recommended just to hold down the Geek-factor.


Speculation about carrier based on the frequencies is at best guesswork, because new radios can be swapped into the design very easily. Most radio chipset manufacturers can give you a radio with the same pin-outs and die size for any flavor of cell system you want to talk to, and the programming interfaces are all standardized as well.

It could be on sprint tomorrow if they wanted.

Bluetooth is holding down the Geek factor? lol

Submission + - Market sell-off caused by trader's fat-finger (cnbc.com)

s122604 writes: Stock market's extraordinary volatility may have been caused by fat-fingered entry.
Article is reporting that the catalyst for today's extradorinary price swing (at one point the Dow lost almost 9 percent in less than an hour) may have been because a trader entered a 'B' for billions instead of an 'M' for millions on a trade of Procter and Gamble:

"According to multiple sources, a trader entered a "b" for billion instead of an "m" for million in a trade possibly involving Procter & Gamble, a component in the Dow. (CNBC's Jim Cramer noted suspicious price movement in P&G stock on air during the height of the market selloff."
br. Unbelievable there are no safeguards to protect against this.

Comment Re:Mossberg is an Apple fanboi, valid point though (Score 1) 568

Android works differently when it comes to App footprint management.Only the critical piece goes on the ROM, the app data stays on the sdcard.

I have a mytouch android phone it has a 512MB of ROM space. I have more than 100 apps installed and still 96MB of space left. I hardly see this is as a problem.

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