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Comment Re:Supreme Court's War on America (Score 1) 122

The problem with your analysis and the way the article was written is that the "protections" extended into areas that are NOT wetlands according to the legislation that established the EPA! The EPA was calling a field that got rained on - wetlands of the United States where the EPA enabling legislation defines it as "salvageable waters." That wet once a year field isn't something a boat is going to get through.

In this case the Supreme Court reigned in a rogue US government agency!

Comment Re: Is rail transport really a culprit? (Score 1) 136

I lived in CA 66 years, i.e. all my life - and you summed up the CA legislature beautifully.

Example - We want to encourage cleaner power generation - I know - lets raise the price all-ready installed solar by charging $11/month for each installed Kilowatt of generating capacity. Along with that - lets lower the amount we are paying to purchase the excess to the lowest tier.

The first part of that deal didn't work out - so PG&E and SDG&E are back at the trough trying to raise prices again.

Can you tell I'm a bit peeved.

Comment ARM likely can't do this across the board (Score 1) 29

There are many IP licensees that have contracts. ARM can't just unilaterally come in and raise the price on fixed-price deals. If they do - I guarantee there are license terms that protect the purchaser from such things and it would cost ARM more than they would recover from the deal.

There are also architecture licensees like Apple and Faraday that have designed their own silicon version so the Arm CPUs that likely can't be affected by this price rise.

Comment Re:Good for them (Score 1) 87

See - FSD isn't software designed by humans anymore - it is an AI taught by humans.

Actually - the Tesla FSD has been capable of most of this for awhile. The difference is - it can get off the freeway and still handle the situation. Is it perfect yet - Nope - so you have to keep hands on the wheel looking forward. Left turns at a blind intersection are the toughest to handle too.

Comment "AI-Generated Articles - by openai/chat (Score 1) 21

"AI-Generated Articles Take Online Magazines by Storm

In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of journalism has been on the rise. Online magazines and news outlets have begun to utilize AI-generated content in order to produce articles quickly and efficiently.

One such magazine, Tech Times, has been using AI-generated articles to cover the latest advancements in technology. According to the magazine's editor-in-chief, John Smith, the use of AI has allowed them to produce articles at a faster pace and with a higher level of accuracy.

"We've been using AI to write articles for about a year now, and the results have been astounding," Smith said. "Our readers are getting the latest technology news faster than ever before, and the articles are just as good, if not better, than those written by human journalists."

The AI-generated articles are created using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms. The technology is able to analyze data and generate written content based on the information it has learned.

The process starts with the AI being fed a large amount of data on a certain topic, such as the latest smartphone releases. The AI then uses this data to generate a well-written article that covers all the key points.

But not everyone is convinced that AI-generated content is the way of the future. Some critics argue that the lack of human input could lead to a lack of diversity in perspective and the possibility of spreading misinformation.

Despite these concerns, many online magazines and news outlets have begun to adopt the use of AI-generated content, with many seeing it as a necessary step in keeping up with the fast-paced world of digital media.

As the technology continues to improve, it's likely that we'll see more and more AI-generated articles popping up in online magazines and news outlets. Whether or not this is a good thing, only time will tell."

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