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Submission + - Best Linux dist for computational cluster? (

DrKnark writes: I am not an IT professional, even so I am one of the more knowledgeable in such matters at my department. We are now planning to build a new cluster (smallish, ~128 cores).

The old cluster (built before my time) used Redhat Fedora, and this is also used in the larger centralized clusters around here. As such, most people here have some experience using that.

My question is, are there better choices? Why are they better? What would be recommended if we need it to fairly user friendly?

It has to have an X-windows server since we use that remotely from our Windows (yeah, yeah, I know) workstations.


Malaria Vaccine, Via Mosquito 178

CodeShark writes "The AP is reporting that mosquitoes have been used for the first time to deliver anti-malarial vaccine through their bites. According to this article the results were crystal clear: 100% of the vaccinated group acquired immunity, everyone in the non-vaccinated control group did not. Those in the control group and developed malaria when exposed to the parasites later, the vaccinated group did not. Malaria kills nearly a million people per year, mostly children."

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