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Comment Re:More relevant than ever (Score 1) 240

Take some ownership and responsibility. It is your fault. If you are stupid enough to be swayed by the media and lying politicians, own it. Unless you have the intellect of a fifth grader you own your own ignorance. Carlin wasn't wrong. He knew that his audience were pathetic weak willed creatures that let people like you say it isn't your fault. It is your fault.

Comment Re: looks shit (Score 2) 25

It does look like a fun platformer. Which is why I bought it. They put some heart in to it. Oddly though, the game feels shallow and lots of what feel like gaming mechanics are handled for you. If it makes sense core parts of the game play themselves and are nearly impossible to fail.

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Remember: Silly is a state of Mind, Stupid is a way of Life. -- Dave Butler
