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Comment Re:Done at Google (Score 2) 177

I've been working as a software engineer at Google for about three years.

This is absolutely not the case, at least with my experience on my particular project. I feel like I am treated well, and we're not stack-ranked in any way that I'm aware of. My manager exercises discretion with letting people into the project and almost everyone I work with makes decent progress adding new code to the project and the code is of decent quality with relatively few problems in production. I feel privileged to work with the people around me for 40 hours each week at this point in my life.

I know this is pretty much a vague anecdote but I'd be happy to answer any questions or explain further.

The Internet

Ship Anchor, Not Sabotaging Divers, Possibly Responsible For Outage 43

Nerval's Lobster writes "This week, Egypt caught three men in the process of severing an undersea fiber-optic cable. But Telecom Egypt executive manager Mohammed el-Nawawi told the private TV network CBC that the reason for the region's slowdowns was not the alleged saboteurs — it was damage previously caused by a ship. On March 22, cable provider Seacom reported a cut in its Mediterranean cable connecting Southern and Eastern Africa, the Middle East and Asia to Europe; it later suggested that the most likely cause of the incident was a ship anchor, and that traffic was being routed around the cut, through other providers. But repairs to the cable took longer than expected, with the Seacom CEO announcing March 23 that the physical capability to connect additional capacity to services in Europe was "neither adequate nor stable enough," and that it was competing with other providers. The repairs continued through March 27, after faults were found on the restoration system; that same day, Seacom denied that the outage could have been the work of the Egyptian divers, but said that the true cause won't be known for weeks. 'We think it is unlikely that the damage to our system was caused by sabotage,' the CEO wrote in a statement. 'The reasons for this are the specific location, distance from shore, much greater depth, the presence of a large anchored vessel on the fault site which appears to be the cause of the damage and other characteristics of the event.'"

Comment Re:Yes!!! (Score 1) 1002

Development, as a mental process, involves a lot of switching between medium-term and short term views.

I think of it as stack frames in my head. Trying to do task A? OK, let's break it down into pieces...oh wait, task A starts with task B, how do I do that again? *Looks up task B reference in a web browser* meanwhile, you have to keep the stack frame of task A, then task B in your head.

Comment Re:Pleased so far (Score 1) 554

Was shocked to see the tab positions. Lucky "Hide Caption T. Plus" had an option to put them back where they belong

Right-click on any chrome at the top of the window > Tabs on top

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