Comment Criminal parental neglect (Score 1) 46
When you met someone in America, you used to be able to assume that they shared a similar background as you, of having talked and interacted and, honestly, learned how to deal with actual living people. You knew this person, as an adult, had been exposed to the concept of differing ideas enough times that they, as an adult, can interact with other people without throwing a tantrum. Those days are vanishing. How do you know now that this person doesn't live 99% of their life online? Believing very niche things from their online bubble that they've been raised in since before they can remember? How do you know you aren't this person's ONE human face to face interaction they'll have all year? Can we begin to start talking about "internet addiction" again? Like we did in the 90s for a little while... before everyone became addicted and we stopped talking about it?