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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Kiefer is a horrible choice.  *Monday July 17, 2006 @10:34AM 1 2
   attached to Kiefer Sutherland Headlines Dragonlance Movie
Re:I don't understand what is going on here  *Friday July 14, 2006 @02:33PM  2
   attached to MySpace's Trip to The Top
Re:decsion based on same principle that powers GPL  *Wednesday July 12, 2006 @02:44PM  2
Re:decsion based on same principle that powers GPL  *Wednesday July 12, 2006 @01:33PM 1 2
Re:decsion based on same principle that powers GPL  *Wednesday July 12, 2006 @10:55AM 1 2
   attached to ' Naughty Bits' Decision Not So Nice
Re:Screw that...  *Friday July 07, 2006 @10:49PM  2
   attached to ABC Wants DVR Fast Forwarding Disabled
where's more?  *Wednesday March 29, 2006 @11:26PM 2 2
   attached to Recounting Bioware's Baldur's Gate II
Re:i have a feature i prefer  *Friday February 10, 2006 @12:38PM  2
   attached to 'True' Video iPod Coming Soon
Re:Here is the [big] question  *Tuesday November 01, 2005 @12:34PM  2
   attached to 'NBC Nightly News' to Be Shown on Internet
Re:McAfee virusscan itself is also affected in a w  *Sunday January 09, 2005 @04:08PM 1 2
   attached to Extremely Critical IE6/SP2 Exploit Found
Re:Symmetrical  *Saturday March 06, 2004 @03:13AM  3, Funny
   attached to The Oft Frustrating Job of a Sysadmin
Re:I'm all for it.  *Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:36AM  4, Informative
   attached to Iowa Senate Proposes Making Spyware A Crime
Re:I'm glad I drink Pepsi  *Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:31AM  2
meh  *Tuesday March 02, 2004 @12:21AM  2
   attached to DRM Technology To Be Added To MP3 Format
very cool  *Monday March 01, 2004 @01:47AM  3, Insightful
   attached to Creative Commons Moving Images Winners
pchdtv card  *Sunday February 29, 2004 @11:37AM  4, Interesting
   attached to HDTV On Your PC - ATi's HDTV Wonder
my new subscription  *Saturday February 28, 2004 @12:47PM 1 5, Insightful
   attached to Three Years of TransGaming Discussed
ooh!  *Tuesday February 24, 2004 @11:14PM  2
   attached to Suggestions for a DVD Video on Demand System?
Re:This is why Linux will win  *Tuesday February 24, 2004 @09:52PM  2
   attached to Microsoft's Platform Strategist Speaks On Linux
bork bork bork!  *Saturday February 21, 2004 @03:57AM 3 5, Funny
   attached to Favorite Hidden Google Features?
worldwide presence?  *Thursday February 12, 2004 @04:37PM  4, Funny
   attached to SCOoby Snacks
Re:Not Important  *Monday February 09, 2004 @03:24PM  2
   attached to Disney Licenses MS Windows Media DRM
Re:45 Seconds?!?!  *Saturday February 07, 2004 @07:56PM  2
   attached to Red Hat to Release Enhanced-Security Linux
Re:Does this mean  *Wednesday January 14, 2004 @08:56PM 1 5, Funny
   attached to TruSonic Uses MP3.com Catalog As Muzak

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
